What year hull do you have? Pre 2008 The R&D Rius Plate with Worx intake always worked really well. The Worx Dominator plate slammed the nose down to much for my taste. Post 2008. Cannot tell you. I liked the TBM Plate for my SXR, I would order one if I get an 2015 SJ for racing and give it a try.
nope. Not that I know of. Its the Rius Race plate. Race partner had the Rius Race plate, I ran a Worx Std Plate with a chunk of alum added to it to make it an extended plate and it worked really well for me when I raced my SJ from 2000-2004.
My Dominator was okay for keeping the nose down but I eventually learned to do that with a stock plate too. The Dominator is flat like stock just longer with a D. I felt a plate with a little more shape would help the boat track better. I tried out a jet dynamics on a loan and felt it had a lot of potential, but I only put one ride on it. I got tired of changing plates and wasnt trying to be too competitive after I got hurt so Ive just been riding stock. Dominator is a good choice if you find one cheap but I don't think its the race winner if you want the back to stay planted. My hull is pre-08 with destroyers and homebrew rear sponsons.
I liked my combo in a 2003, it was pretty fast in left turns, worx dominator jet dynamics grate and pro watercraft sponsons. -1 steering, rad dudes bracket set 1/4" fwd, 4 degree bars.
Are you running rear sponsons? Huge improvement from them.
Power is handling.
You want some breaking effect if your running bouys. At the 2006 Lake Norman Tour Stop I carried my Stock SXR with TBM plate and also Yamacats Mild Limited SXR with TBM. I was surprised at the difference the speed effected the grate. On my stocker I could hit the turns just about WOT and let off, set the nose and rail the turns, with the Limited, first time I hit the first tight corner, boy did I overshoot it! Needed more downforce on the nose some. All part of ride plate tuning.I have a 2012 the pro watercraft plate did not slow my boat at all and It is the best plate I think I have tryed everything
2nd best I like shred master if you can find one
Intake I run pro tec 2 bar open no scoop so it doesn't slow the boat down