SX/SXi/SXi Pro fear of run away ski

balsam lake glass cutter

previously "750sxi"
prior lake mn
so I fell and didn't hold on; lanyard clip on wrist, jet ski motoring across lake. Thankfully ran aground with no damage to anyone's property. found the face plate on the start stop buttons that hold the lanyard clip inplace gone? This ever happen to anyone else, and how do I loose the fear of it running away from me and torpedoing into some guys wooden chris craft.

balsam lake glass cutter

previously "750sxi"
prior lake mn
so i picked up my ski today. My insurance guy strongly sugjested i bring it to a certified kawi shop to have the kill switch properly fixed and documented. Interestly the design of the new switch is totally different. it is now a solid molded plastic box with two holes for the start and stop buttons instead of a 3 sided box witha snap in cover plate over the buttons. hopefully it will not malfunction!
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