Feet Normal, Goofy, or both ways?


Trying to get upside down
Goofy when cruising and jumping waves. I use footholds and a strap up front. Both feet back for tricks and when I want altitude when jumping.

Anybody use this method for getting back on the ski after a crash? Right foot in foothold, body in water, turn bars to the right and grab a handful of throttle. This forces the ski under you and drags you out of the water. Wish I had a pic!
Goofy when cruising and jumping waves. I use footholds and a strap up front. Both feet back for tricks and when I want altitude when jumping.

Anybody use this method for getting back on the ski after a crash? Right foot in foothold, body in water, turn bars to the right and grab a handful of throttle. This forces the ski under you and drags you out of the water. Wish I had a pic!
Yeah, whenever I first started driving i would mess around doing that when I fell, wears me out a lot though as the ski barely has enough power to do it.


( o Y o )
i ride an x2,
left foot forward for cruising and small jumps,
both back for bigger jumps,
if im turning hard right then i step over the tray and put my left foot on the right tray and drag my right leg, and the same concept for turning right...
OK, I always feel more comfortable with my left foot more forward than the right, same as when I ride a bike or snow board, etc. ('Normal') (Right foot forward guys known as 'goofy'.)
Do you guys stick with what feels comfortable or do you change the forward foot for each direction of turn like the racer guys do? (Inside foot always forward?)

I just realized that I put this in the wrong section so feel free to move it, sorry. Standing is not a 'trick'. Although it could be for some guys on the weekend...
for me standing is a trick all by itself.i'm new to all this stand up stuff and for me its left foot foward like snowboarding. i tried both feet next to each other but prefer the other way.


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I am naturally goofy, but have been learning to ride switch. I am also learning to ride and slash one handed and also left hand on throttle when I ride switch. It is hard, but fun to learn.
I'm goofy......:nana: Have been all my life. Skateboard, Snowboard, etc.....
I jump/do tricks with both feet in the back though, and I'm starting to practice switching stance's though in the turns. Left foot forward left turn, right foot foward right turn. pushing down on the outside with the outer foot.
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Hooked on the Jamz
Right foot forward 100% of the time in the ocean. On flat I am 100% right foot forward for buoys and usually both feet in the holds for wake jumping.

I always feel like I am gonna fall when I have my left foot forward.


Hooked on the Jamz
I paid attention to my feet this weekend and realized I move both feet to the back more often than I thought. (on flatwater)
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