Custom/Hybrid Finally decided to open up the 97’

Paint it! For the very reason you mention paint it. Removing turf is easy, it's the underpad and old contact cement that will make you regret not having a smooth surface to clean up. A turf re-gluing is a breeze if it lifts but most likely tray turf won't lift other than the very back at the pump. For that I just made a thin checker plate aluminum compression plate and used the OEM holes to bolt it on. The turf stopped lifting and being an issue back there entirely. My tray has always been smooth and never had turf issues. Personally I will be giving my re-glassed tray a top coat of surface repair epoxy resin just for this reason if my glassing resin isn't filling the glass enough. Turf is like shoes, it wears out sooner than you think or would like it to. Maybe not so much the actual top layer but the underpad will permanently compress after about a year or two. I left mine alone for about 4 years, it went from being just over an inch to a permanent compressed state of just over 1/8". It's really hard on the feet, knees, calves and back when you land hard with no support under your footy prints.
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I ride with one dakine foot strap surf style so not side footholds desired. Thanks for all the tips PP, will get finish prep and paint.

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long beach local

long beach local
Looks good Vince. I widened a couple trays too and you do good work, did you use epoxy? its alot stronger and I have seen you ride and you break things haha. Is that your sisters old race boat it has quite a history if it is. Hope your fixing it up for some surf sessions and I can join you someday.
This is another ski. My sisters ski is getting built into a superstock buoy chaser. Will let you know when this on gets done so hit up oside.

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turf time.

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Need to pick some graphics. Any opinions? Stock 2018 graphics caught my eye, buy maybe a full wrap with some killer art work?

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Those 18’ graphics are nice and so is Alba. I can only afford graphics, Alba is way out of my price range

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