finaly pick up a new x2 for the collection

ever since they brought them out ive been wonting one off the new model x2 and i finally found one (i had the choice off 3) for the right price. its a one owner ( i even got all the manuals with it) totally stock 2006 model one . its pretty tidy with just the usual wear and tear and 40 hours on it since new . its a wee bit down on power compared to my old x2 but i already have plans to fix that next week :party:


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here is my plan for upping the power a wee bit , ive had this engine sitting round for awile now, was just waiting for something to put it in. 830cc sxr engine , ported cases, v force 2reeds, duel 48 full spec carbs trued and welded crank with ceramic crank bearings , r&d girdle head fpp blaster limited wet pipe and a wax infernal ignition . hopfully that will pep her up a wee bit . all going well i should have the new engine in by the middle off the week


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Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
can you guys import second hand ones, i paid $3200 us for it

yeah I imagine. That Caustic kawasaki or something like that was trying to sell some demo boats on PWCT. I think someone on over there on PWCT bought one. If I could get one for $3.2k to $5k in my possesion, all taxes/fees/shipping paid, I would get one. But I just can't see paying $10k for a ski that should reastically only cost us $6k to buy. Kawasaki keeps upping the price on SXR's every other year or so. They were $5.5k in 03 now they are 6.8k in 09. Sucks. Hopefully some deflation will occur... I would get a Trinity but if I am going to get an aftermarket hull, I will get an SXR and hopefully a conversion hood. Then I could always swap back and forth.


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
the more i look at it, it looks like an sxr with a different hood and a "seat" no?

It's a SXR with a seat. Same bottom deck, engine, electronics and pump. They simply changed the deck to the X2 style.

A SXR with a conversion hood is pretty much the exact same thing as the new X2.

And the approximate answer to your other question is about 375 pounds dry weight.


It's a SXR with a seat. Same bottom deck, engine, electronics and pump. They simply changed the deck to the X2 style.

A SXR with a conversion hood is pretty much the exact same thing as the new X2.

And the approximate answer to your other question is about 375 pounds dry weight.

Thanks man! yeah I dont know poop about kawis but im liking this x2.
they list them as the same weight as the sxr on the web sites , but dont know how much it weighs just haveing fun riding the sucker. ive just been out in the surf for a hour and a half this morning and it was waist to chest high and pretty clean. they fly pretty well and i got some decent air , totally diffrent rideing them on wave faces doing turns and that, not used to a ski been on rails and just going where you point it unlike my old x2 that just slides and is really loose in the back end. im about to head to the lake to burn a couple off tanks thro it to flush it out, hopfully ill be able to get a couple off pics to put up.
if anyone wont to try it out you are more than welcome to come over and try it :naughty:


Trying to get upside down
here is my plan for upping the power a wee bit , ive had this engine sitting round for awile now, was just waiting for something to put it in. 830cc sxr engine , ported cases, v force 2reeds, duel 48 full spec carbs trued and welded crank with ceramic crank bearings , r&d girdle head fpp blaster limited wet pipe and a wax infernal ignition . hopfully that will pep her up a wee bit . all going well i should have the new engine in by the middle off the week

A wee bit? That thing will haul a$$! Sound like fun!
well i finally got a couple off pics off me riding my ski this morning at the lake. nothing to exciting but i thought id shre them anyway . these x2 are a heap off fun and its going to be a blast with a bit more power


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and when i got home the fun started off another kind. the engine is out ready to fit the new one and the standard cdi made way for a wax inferno cdi thanks wax great guy to deal with by the way . so by the end off next week it should be all up and running again with the new engine , just hoping the blaster limited pipe isnt going to be to much off a pain in the arse to fit .


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