Surfriding Finish this equation!

OEM 144 with 13/16-3mm and 85mm bored nozzle=MAG or Solas or H2O 148 with ___________and_______________.

I just want to be sure I do this right! I don't want to experiment with props and nozzies!

I want even more snap and pull than I already have and the same weight :)
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Ya know now would be a great time to address that....I have it upside down and doing some cutting/glassing right now!

It is a -4 WDK Envy 265lbs. with 5 gallons of fuel.

Just a 718cc Wiseco 195psi MSD B pipe.

I have always liked this current pump set up (13/16-3mm and 85mm) but I am ready for some change....I know I need more power too but just this for now.

I love the idea of a nicely tuned OE 155 but has anyone messed with one on such a mild set up?
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