fire extinguisher.. and $156 ticket

How many of you carry fire extinguishers on your stand ups? I was riding out in New River in NC today and The wildlife police pulled us over (lights and all) to check if we had fire extinguishers. WTF, we didnt and now we (my buddy and I) are out $156 ea. Annnddd worst of all our day of riding got cut hours short!!


LKN Freestyle Militia
Lake norman, nc
Just try to find a SN fire extinguisher holder that goes in the tray, works great to wedge your foot under and keeps the fire extinguisher handy!


So long and thanks for all the fish
Yes, I carry it at all times, and it's required for when you need to render assistance. Sucks that you got tickets, but it's the law.
I don't carry one on my ski and the cops around here are to stupid to think about checking for it. All they ever want to know is if my jacket is uscg approved, which it is.
Hmmm. Never thought about it like that. Always figured if my ski was on fire id be swimming away not trying to put it out. But helping another boater makes since. But unless its a sail boat im just throwing the extinguisher to them and riding off. No need to fight fires with a nice size gas tank under it.
Of course I dont complain when I get speeding tickets. This is my first ticket for anything. I never thought of using it for others, makes sense though. Looks like next time Ill have one. The cop also told me, my 2010 CA registration wasn't valid in NC, which made no sense to me.
Of course I dont complain when I get speeding tickets. This is my first ticket for anything. I never thought of using it for others, makes sense though. Looks like next time Ill have one. The cop also told me, my 2010 CA registration wasn't valid in NC, which made no sense to me.

Some states only honor registration from neighboring states... (and that accept their registration in reciprocity) I don't know about North Carolina but that might be the reason...

Grand Rapids, MI
The cops in NC probably can't check registrations on skis from CA.

But anyway, yeah, a fire extinguisher is standard safety equipment required by the USCG... they're really cheap too!
Looks like I need to register my ski again out here and throw a little fire extinguisher in her. If I buy a fire extinguisher that's little (8'' long) will that suffice? Or is there a universal standard for size?


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
BTW the extinguisher is not for your ski but for other boaters in need.

I agree with this but even if I had one, I'm still not going to ride over to help fight a fire on the water...especially not on a stand up.

I'll gladly help out in any way that I can but let's be firey boat is better than two.


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
Looks like I need to register my ski again out here and throw a little fire extinguisher in her. If I buy a fire extinguisher that's little (8'' long) will that suffice? Or is there a universal standard for size?

There are regulations and usually they aren't tiny but not excessively large either.
I throw mine in a backpack and then leave it on the beach...or if its big waves we know the fuzz won't be at the ramps so I just leave it in the truck. It is a corny law no doubt....I think I may have even gotten a ticket for it years ago.
hahaha when i had the x-2 running it wasn't stickered up to date so i would keep a bouy tied to a thin cable under the seat where the fire extinguisher should be, then if the cops ever pulled me over i flip the hood latch take off the seat and she sinks. but! the bouy floats up so i can retrieve it. hehehe lets face it, if another boat was on fire what could i do the a 6 inch long fire extinguisher? hahaha!

EDIT! muhahahahaha!
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