- Location
- Marshall, AR
I was riding on the lake a few 4th of julys ago and was riding close to the dam where everyone was at. I was doin my thing you know, and all of a sudden a flat bottom boat was followiing me. We started play a game of cat and mouse and the boat was making some good wakes. I thought it was some fishermen messing with me so I started jumping their wakes. i never thought it could be water patrol in that old rickety boat. They had a tiny blue light and they finally flicked it on. That ranger cussed me up and down, he never asked about insurance or regestration! I honestly deserved a ticket. He just talked dirty to me and let me go, I didnt have a fire extinguisher or a lanyard. Everyone was watching while all this was going on. A guy on a seadoo 3do come up afterwards and was running his head about the water patrol. Luckily the water patrol is somewhat ok around here.
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