I saw some people posting questions about where to put an extinguisher on an Octane on another forum. Thought I'd post my solution here as well.
According to Randy, the stock extinguisher used to be strapped across the electrical box, and frequently this causes the cover to warp. My cover was a little warped, probably from this as well.
This is the best location I could come up with. I ran with it today with no problems, we'll see how it holds up after a season or two....
The bracket is pop-riveted to the hood. I used a zip-tie to positively hold the strap closed. I'm pretty sure I can break this loose in a hurry if necessary.
According to Randy, the stock extinguisher used to be strapped across the electrical box, and frequently this causes the cover to warp. My cover was a little warped, probably from this as well.
This is the best location I could come up with. I ran with it today with no problems, we'll see how it holds up after a season or two....
The bracket is pop-riveted to the hood. I used a zip-tie to positively hold the strap closed. I'm pretty sure I can break this loose in a hurry if necessary.