Super Jet first super jet questions !!!!

nor cal
Hello everyone,

Ok Here I go. I have had Kawi jet skis my whole life. I just purchased my first Super jet. It is a 97 round nose with a wamiltons head coming in about 175 psi. comp check. it has a factory b pipe. , r&d manifold with dual mikuni ( Buckshot carbs) 46mm. pro tec pump trim. tubbies. jet dynamics ride plate. stuffer grate. im sure im forgeting things. Anyways, I have a ton of questions and I dont even know where to start. I like to free ride river style. jumping logs, riding small channels, little flat water free style , bouys etc, I have been told to get rid of the buck shot carbs and go back to the stock 38 mm carbs for more bottom end. Is this true? what about the head? should i get lower comp head domes to run on pump gas? Im new to fourms so please have patience with me. thanks in advance everyone.


tobacco grower
tobacco valley
with 175 psi your right on the line for needing 100octaine but i think you will be ok running premium. dont run anything less! sounds like you picked up a nice ski. sorry i cant help with your other questions


Gear Head
is it a 701 or a bigger bore? If its a 701, 38mm carbs tend to be better due to velocity of the carburetor. Smaller carbs equal better bottom end but worse top end due to air restriction. The venturi design of a carbs allows for better fuel pull on a smaller carb down low so it provides more torque (bottom end hit). Just my .02
Congrats btw on the superjet. I am running 185 psi on my 701 with 93 octane no problem. Have fun!
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nor cal
Thanks guys. It's a 701 but I'm not sure what domes are in the head. What about these buck shot carbs? Any good?#
I have buck shot 44 carbs on my ported 701 some people like them some dont the flaw to them is they can be hard to tune. If they are tuned to your setup rock it.
I've run as high as 215 psi (no porting) b-pipe and stock carbs on pump gas. Just don't hold it wide open for long periods of time.
I'd say dual 46s are a bit mch if it's stock bore/porting.
The 38s would give you a quicker/snappier response down low, but sacrifice some airflow/hp up top.
jetmaniac on here uses re-jetted/lightly modded oem 38 setups on some bigger bore/ported motors with
seemingly great results. You could prob sell the 46s/intake mani, buy 38s/intake, and put
couple 100 in the bank..
175psi is pumpgas worthy.
most guys run 170-185 on pump.
Since you plan on a lot of full throttle running make sure the timing is not advanced. The carbs are too big, see if they will stay rich enough at full throttle. Stock flame arrestors and a low pitched prop will help. Stay on the rich side of peak power and dont run low on fuel. Freestyle tunes that are common here can toast a piston really fast with pump gas at full throttle. Performance wise, bigger carbs will make the pipe hit harder but they must be sloppy rich at part throttle. You can run 38s much cleaner without losing response.
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nor cal
hey guys . thanks for the info. i dont have to worry about too much wide open running. we set up bouys in a small pattern due to narrow water thing that im not sure about is if the ski is ported or not. it appears to me that the ski is set up to run fast. im not sure about the timing. this was an old race ski. how do you check if the timing is advanced. i took it out this sunday . it was really rich on the front carb and lean on the back carb. the front carb seemed like it was running so rich that it was pouring fuel and oil out the top of the air filter. over time of playing with the jets i think im somewhere around one turn out on the main jet and about 3/4 turn out on the pilot jet. i took the carbs apart when i brought the ski home the day i bought it and found a 120 pilot jet and a 100 main jet. to me this seems weird if im looking at it right. in the dirt bike world this is way backwards. i dont know why. the jets are that way. any help or ideas? as far as the race gas . ive decided to run pump gas at fourty to one. i talked to wamiltons who makes the head and he told me that i do not need to worry about race gas at 175 psi. seems to run ok. the biggest prob im having is tuning these carbs and deciding on what i should do carb wise. run the buckshots and tune or get 38mm carbs for more low end. Im new to the forum and not super internet savy. so thanks in advance and sorry for lack of forum knowlage
nor cal
Also, site question. how do i follow or save my post so that every time i come on the site i dont have to find my post to see if any of you have replied. thanks agian.
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