Wolf Child
Just Another Octard
- Location
- All over C. FL
It's scary being first. There is a higher liklihood that you still may have to work out some "bugs" with the builder. I have some experience in this arena as one of the first. My builder was awesome about it and with a reputable builder like Waterfreak you should be fine too.
Congrats! I can't wait to try one of these.
it is the first of it's kind but it aint the first hull that I built for sure bud!
I think that your reffering to your first bob which I believe was their first time at building hulls for them.
BTW, and talking about bugs,how do you like your first gen SF??
what build? lol. I bought a turn key ski. I'm lazy and impatient like that.Nice ski, you can rest assured this hull will not fall apart. WCF stuff has never been a superlight flimsy throwaway hull. my WCF stuff is all still good after years of use and abuse. I look forward to your ride reports and your build.
....and I thought that we might have seen the last of you..(as far as riding goes).
Pic looks sweet! Hope to see you soon!
polaris part-out?
I'll be at the spot tomorrow with it.
as for the polaris's...no no and NO... I repeat NO part out. the are being freshened up at WCF.