im down for riding any day of the week

a few places and details:
StAugustine: great wide wave selection with zero surfers and zero, located at Matanzas inlet. Minimal to no beach parking. Cool Fort Matanzas to see from the water. TONS of regulars riding that are all super willing to help. Not the easiest place to get back to shore if problem occurs in surf or sink your boat because you got to return through the inlet. No fees to ride at all. No coast guard at all. Launch/hangout spot is safe to leave vehicle. Historic downtown StAug nearby and worth seeing if never been. cheap stay.
Daytona: super easy access drive on beach and launch. Lots of locals all the time and within a few miles in case you need parts or help. Must have registration and pay for $25 pass(month). You get taken care of by beach patrol well

ZOne is about 800- 1000 ft wide and strictly skis. Close to shore so no worries if breakdown or sink. Great place to chill all day and anyone with you can see you ride. Lots of party places and cheap stay at night. Local guys would probably offer you place to stay
Ponce INlet: inlet between Daytona and New Smyrna. Must launch from boat ramp in inlet. Mile trek to the surf but very easy. Sate park there too. Coast Guard on prowl. No helmet required but keeps the cops off your back almost guaranteed. Decent waves but nothing great. Minimal surfers and fishermen but usually some. Just gotta spray them out of the way

Cool "Disappearing Island" in inlet that tons of boats park at and party. Lots of big arse boats coming and going through inlet.
New Smyrna Beach: just like daytona zone and same rules etc. but its highly regulated {not in favor of skis} and not worth wasting your time. no one ever rides there. also water is always browner
Cocoa: almost impossible to ride there without trouble legally or by surfers killing you. Cool town, dont ride
Sebastian Inlet: Very good inlet with great waves and clear water

Camp grounds on site. Launch from inlet boat ramp state park. two mile straight trek to the waves. Highly patroled by coast guard and they suk dix and love writing tix

Pretty busy inlet but nice environment. Waves break a good bit away from beach so minimal surfers to deal with usually. shoreline break is super close to shore and heavily surfed. Great place but no fun if you have issues with your ski or run out of gas!! def dont ride by yourself. If swell is hitting its probably the best waves in FL. Any farther south is hard to find riders and or a safe easy spot to ride. waves diminish but water turns super clear .
My opinion is spend most time at Daytona beachside

Def hit The Spot(st augustine) great waves and great peoples....Daytona will be your safest though for all reasons and the most ride time, but does close at 5 or 6 pm every day.
>>>>>>spend the most time trying your best to find all possible electrical issues and make sure bilge is working, hood straps are secure, and pole has a limiting rope.
oh and the west coast blows....panama city is decent for partying but no waves