flat water BR

Waste Land

Non Multa Sed Multum
Florence, AL
yamaslut said:
the key here is starting the god damn process before ya die of old age!!!!

I see all these people who are like, when I get my pipe... when I get my new hood, when I get a shorter pole... BS.

Rick Roy was rolling 650's w/ a stock pole and lifters... they weren't ****ing malone rolls of today, but they were rolls and the ski he was enough to do the trick.... You have got to get out and do it!!!! talking about it won't make it happen.

I did my first roll 2 months after starting to ride a ski... it's not because I'm gifted... trust me, I'm far from that. I just wanted it soooo ****ing bad that I just threw myself into what I thought was a roll... I couln't barely turn a ski on flatwater at the time and could barely do a nose stab... still can't do stabs that well... Also... saying you have no one to learn off of is a BS excuse too... I still to this day have no one that I ride w/ that does any tricks, including BR's and backys...

so..... **** or get off the pot bitches!!!!!!!!!!!

end of rant #2....

Why is this directed at me? I've never made any excuse for not landing anything except I've been skeptical about BRing on flat water without a helmet, but then as soon as I put one on I started trying.


Waste Land said:
Why is this directed at me? I've never made any excuse for not landing anything except I've been skeptical about BRing on flat water without a helmet, but then as soon as I put one on I started trying.

I wasn't directing it at you.... sorry:biggrin:


tubbies is/are the answer
the ski has a good portion to do with your rolling capabilities IMO, try rolling a 750sxi /w hull extensions, r-pot ride plate, and a dry pipe /w race porting... then go to an sj /w some nice freestyle goodies... there will be a difference... there was a difference for me... but the most important thing is the drive, like slut said... if you want it bad enough you can get it in half a midwestern summer (flatwater)


butti said:
i feel like your talking to me:banghead:

hey... it was a general comment, but if the shoe fits.... :sneaky:
I want to motivate some peeps to go for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will second almost all of Slutty's sentiments. I have some pics of me somewhere rolling the stock FX1 with a set of lifers in it on flat water. I also had the opportunity to get to watch Malone ride when I was getting started with all of this stuff.

Those rolls were not good, but I could ride away so I counted them. The key for me was watching lots of video, and trying. The technique is really important though. My ski now has a B-pipe, CDI, and and I can't really do them any more...I could if I prated it for a while I guess. But if you learn on a stock ski to do it or get close, you will be that much better when you do have good equipment.

Like Slutty said...with all this stuff you just have to try...and try..and try...and try. And if you want to roll a stock ski on flat water, you had better go a hell of a lot faster than most people do in the videos...
Slut is so right!
While guys are whining, they dont have the ski to do something, others are out working their ass off to get it done with what they got or can get. If you dont step it up, your comp will.
Sh*t or get off the pot!


give me fuel give me fire
yamaslut said:
LOL... I'm trying to rile you ****ers up....

T-Bone.... yeah... that's what I meant

you cant get us too riled up yet! i still have 2 inches of ****ing ice on the water!!!

But i might be able to get out there and break it so i can ride.....:sneaky:


Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
kingnothing3 said:
you cant get us too riled up yet! i still have 2 inches of ****ing ice on the water!!!

But i might be able to get out there and break it so i can ride.....:sneaky:
that sucks, it's f'n hot here.


Don't worry the age thing, Slut. I was 40 before I could BR. The power thing just helps 'em look better (higher) and actually learning to make a good wake (and timing it) is the best way to improve your flatwater roll. And at 47 I can still nail some flatlanders and occasional doubles.
Remember in 2000 when Rob B. rode one of LENZI's skiis and could not land a roll? How about B. Lustic, his rolls sucked for a long time.... even with all that power!
The trick to flatwater is TECHNIQUE! I posted a vid a few years ago showing the E-A-S-Y way to flat roll on PWCToday. I learned from watching Malone vid and J. Lustic vid how to make wake and practiced. Nothing to it .... but practice!



Ann Arbor
Ross_C said:
The technique is really important though. My ski now has a B-pipe, CDI, and and I can't really do them any more...I could if I practiced it for a while I guess. But if you learn on a stock ski to do it or get close, you will be that much better when you do have good equipment.

Like Slutty said...with all this stuff you just have to try...and try..and try...and try. And if you want to roll a stock ski on flat water, you had better go a hell of a lot faster than most people do in the videos...

Amen. Tim, good words too! Lots of video for me, too.:headbang:


the ski has a good portion to do with your rolling capabilities IMO, try rolling a 750sxi /w hull extensions, r-pot ride plate, and a dry pipe /w race porting... then go to an sj /w some nice freestyle goodies... there will be a difference... there was a difference for me... but the most important thing is the drive, like slut said... if you want it bad enough you can get it in half a midwestern summer (flatwater)
i rolled on my sxi pro much easier than my superjet


Site Supporter
Cleveland Ohio
Yes he did... He's having a hell of a time on the SJ.
It's all nads baby.

I know I don't always have em...but I am workin on it!:headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang:

Go BIG or Go HOME! I think what helped me the most was getting a helmet.


South Jersey
I know this has been touched on before. I have searched and tried to follow, but could someone please explain to me the proper/easy way to do a setup wake? I can't seem to master that beginning portion to even attempt a barrel roll on flat water. Thanks again.


Edit: Maybe a diagram with dimensions on it would help?
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Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
I have to agree with Slutty. I'm not quite rolling yet (sooooooo close!), but the biggest thing for me was just to go out and slam my head into the water over and over until I wasn't scared of it any more. Seriously - when you see that water coming around your instinct is to keep your head away from it and that kills your rotation. I went out (with helmet), and just did half or 3/4 rolls over and over and over until I'd got over that instinctive reaction and let my head pass under the ski and out the other side.


K, Rickster. Here is the link to BR vid :

http://www.superjett.com/pictures/J...verything else/Tim S rolling at the river.mov

Thanks to Darin Jett for posting it on his site.
I learned by spending a day making the wake over and over. Initially making a "dogleg" then turning around and trying to get back to the center where the wave curls and just hopping off it.
When I got comfortable with making the wake and getting back to it as the wave is at it's highest (that/s the timing part), I knew it was time to try to roll off of it. Head towards the center of the curl, turn away as you approach the curl then turn back into it (S Turn) and hit the throttle. If you can do s turn broncos, that is the motion you use to roll off the wake.
The EASY part ..... is no hopping into the wake necessary. Therefore timing is not as critical.
Hope that helps. Feel free to ask any ?'s.



Douglee, when making setup wave go slow and weight the back of the ski. This will cause the wake to be bigger. Pull back on the h'bars to sink the tail of the ski further into the water. Try to make a 'dogleg' shaped wake like in the video. Look back at your wake to see where the wave peaks. Then turn the ski around to face the wave and start working on hopping off the wave face.



South Jersey
That video helps a lot. It looks like you pretty much make a left, then a U-turn and do a quick S-turn before applying the throttle and jacking the bars to one side. Is that pretty much the technique? My goal is to learn this trick before the end of the summer.

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