Flatwater Backflip attempts 24/7 Carbon hull VIDEO

thanks, that ski is much different than my stock hull with stock motor, pipe, prop, head. I was extremely wore out all weekend but i finally started to get used to handling of the light hull and big motor.

I beat on the hull and motor hard all weekend but the boat performed great:beerchug:
i needed more time practicing the setup wake its a bit different hitting the set up wake on a lightweight hull than a stock hull.

I dont know the exact degree of throw, but it has alot of throw to it
Thanks Brian, i was able to ride just about every day this summer, and did some shows with Tommy, the clinic last year got me inspired to ride.

Maybe ill see ya in Daytona


Backflip, weeee
Marietta, GA.
Looks like fun!

Though I have no experience with that kind of machine, but it seems you need to use your setup wake more, maybe add a little more speed. Your relying on the ski's power to flip you around, use momentum to your advantage and direct your mass up and back.:Banane35:


Nice attempts Chad ! I swung by to meet Chad and saw a couple.. not bad for never throwing a backy before ! :bigok:

You'll get'm !
The hull itself is $8500.

hull, hood, nose piece, motor mounts, ride plate, carbon gas cap cover, and i may be forgetting a few little pieces is $9000.

Call Mark at 24/7 for more details. 732-505-8115



Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
The hull itself is $8500.

hull, hood, nose piece, motor mounts, ride plate, carbon gas cap cover, and i may be forgetting a few little pieces is $9000.

Call Mark at 24/7 for more details. 732-505-8115


So what's the word about the X2 hull rumors? I want one!!!
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