flatwater only hull


sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
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Capt. noob here. I'm giving my 95 sn some luvn' this winter. I pulled the engine. Going with new ADA head, total loss, b-pipe, gel batt, new impeller & intake, kenney keepers for engine. Foot holds and turf happened last year. I'm contemplating grinding the ribs, filling bond line and laying some glass or CF on the floor and sides...POSSIBLY. I've got plenty of projects going on around the homestead that's making my ski jealous. Spring is breathing down my neck!! IDK if I really need to upgrade the hull for flatwater only riding. My trick arsenal is real limited, but i'll try anything once. I just don't want to F-up the hull and ruin my summer.

Cant hurt to be overly protected, incase you decide to go big halfway through the summer. If your just cruising around i dont think you would need it. But If you do it now while its cold, you can save yourself from doing it while its hot.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
I don't think a first year beginner riding flat only necessarily needs it.
I also think that a lot of noobs get all over-eager to overinforce the ******** out of their hull.
Then you end up with a sub-par job that makes the boat heavier than it needs to be, and that will be a pain in the ass to fix later.

If you do want to do it....don't go overboard, seal everything, use good materials, and TAKE YOUR TIME. Improperly glassed, the reinforcement will come back off.


Other Administrator
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South Florida
Pablo---you are such an a$$! I try to tell you stuff and you wont listen to anything I have to say. We are both trying for a barrel roll this year and you are gonna crack the side of your ski by getting half way there trying to learn. Just go ahead and fill the bondline and reinforce the sides. You could do it in one weekend if the motor is already out.


RN Surgery... soon
I also think that a lot of noobs get all over-eager to overinforce the ******** out of their hull.
Then you end up with a sub-par job that makes the boat heavier than it needs to be, and that will be a pain in the ass to fix later.

BING to the F'in O! :bigok:

I've been meaning to say this for some time, glad somebody did.

Not necessarily referring to this thread.


sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
Site Supporter
Pablo---you are such an a$$! I try to tell you stuff and you wont listen to anything I have to say. We are both trying for a barrel roll this year and you are gonna crack the side of your ski by getting half way there trying to learn. Just go ahead and fill the bondline and reinforce the sides. You could do it in one weekend if the motor is already out.

ohhh so now i get it u want barrel rolls on the ski's...not in the bed. sorry. i'll be home soon honey. wait up 4 me.:nana:

RMBC Freeride

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Pueblo, CO
I don't think a first year beginner riding flat only necessarily needs it.
I also think that a lot of noobs get all over-eager to overinforce the ******** out of their hull.
Then you end up with a sub-par job that makes the boat heavier than it needs to be, and that will be a pain in the ass to fix later.

If you do want to do it....don't go overboard, seal everything, use good materials, and TAKE YOUR TIME. Improperly glassed, the reinforcement will come back off.

YES, YES, YES... f'ing YES! I've been trying to tell people this for years! Dont over-reinforce your hull just cause the internet says its the cool thing to do!. Ride, get good, learn to glass properly, then decide if you want to reinforce!

Spot-on Matt!


makin' legs
YES, YES, YES... f'ing YES! I've been trying to tell people this for years! Dont over-reinforce your hull just cause the internet says its the cool thing to do!. Ride, get good, learn to glass properly, then decide if you want to reinforce!

Spot-on Matt!

I agree too. My white boat you rode at Lanier was heavily reinforced before I decided that I don't ride hard enough to need all I put in it. It weighs a ton.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
YES, YES, YES... f'ing YES! I've been trying to tell people this for years! Dont over-reinforce your hull just cause the internet says its the cool thing to do!. Ride, get good, learn to glass properly, then decide if you want to reinforce!

Spot-on Matt!

I knew that'd draw you out Neil. :bigok:

We've talked about this at length at Pismo last summer.

RMBC Freeride

Site Supporter
Pueblo, CO
I agree too. My white boat you rode at Lanier was heavily reinforced before I decided that I don't ride hard enough to need all I put in it. It weighs a ton.

And you know what you're doing with composites!!! Way more knowlege than most "experienced" glassers, including me! Newbies, read this and learn!

I have a tank hull too... way overreinforced for my skill level. But at least its Pancake proof! (its been proven) :biggrin:

I knew that'd draw you out Neil. :bigok:

We've talked about this at length at Pismo last summer.

Yeah, it's a hotbutton for me ha ha ha! reinforcement+me--->:poke:


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
Yeah, I got a tank, too. However, I went through it this winter to drop some weight.

Freakin' fatass Superjet.


Other Administrator
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South Florida
I agree that he shouldn't reinforce the **** out of it. All I'm saying is one layer of 1708 on each side with the bondline filled with epoxy/cabosil/microballoon mixture. Wont we likely crack a nonreinforced hull when we repeatedly pancake our ski's getting half way there on a barrell roll?
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Do it twice?That's DooDoo
Do some reinforcing... just do you homework before you start the process- make sure you prep it right... dont use way to much stuff...

Better to reinforce before you bust it... rather than try to patch it up after...

By those mods- it sounds like you are going to be beating the crap out of that ski this year... I would do it... you can make up for the weight you added by loosing some pounds or using some aftermarket parts...


RN Surgery... soon
I'm going to wait until I break mine. Figure I'll have a better shot at getting all the way around without throwing around the extra weight.

IF I break it, I break it. What can you do.... I'll reinforce it midweek and be done with it. Not the end of the world and I won't miss a day of riding. Plus my resin might actually cure in the summer. lol


Do it twice?That's DooDoo
I say reinforce now... if you break it- you will have to reinforce the crap out of it to regain the original strength... at least that is the logic that people preached to me when I was debating what to reinforce... mine doesnt weigh that much more than when I started... actually after the aftermarket parts I added I am prob still about -10 pounds from when I started...

Plus I've lost 10 pounds off myself :) --> so I'm at -20

plus its a lot easier to reinforce in the winter when you're bored....just use a kerosene heater and fast cure epoxy
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sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
Site Supporter
I imagine I'm gonna do some mild reinforcement. Hit the sides with some mid-weight CF and the bottom with some 17 oz biax. Wish me luck.


Do it twice?That's DooDoo
Yeah... just do some 17oz on the sides down to the engine mounts... then the pole bracket area, and maybe the nose.
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