flatwater only hull


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
WERD.. I cracked Butchs new stock black OEM 07 SJ hull last summer right away through the hood seal lip area and around up on that curving corner on the sides with some 3/4 rolls on flat. These were good solid breaks going all the way through, with some shattering/crumbling areas too. OEM is not made for slapping hard on the sides.. Same with stock hoods. I've put 12" cracks down the sides before. Also the bond line is a real common place for it to start cracking too...


I sunk that ski in Pismo surf, past the break. :lmao:


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
Yeah if you dont want to trash a nice oem un-reinforced hull IMO.
I do admit I'm very ruff on ski's, but still its just common sense unless your gonna ride like a :purr: in a Kawasaki Jetski training video! haha.


So am I, and there isn't a single crack on my RN anywhere.

Of course, I got reinforcement in the front consisting of carbon/kevlar - carbon - carbon/kevlar.
Heavy glass in the back, carbon/kevlar in the tray.
I've been abusing it for three years now, holding up great.
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