Flipping a waverunner

I got a buddy that has a couple of waverunners sitting in his yard with a trailer he wants gone. He said give me a bottle of rum and a case of beer and they are yours. He said when he last used them the ran. I haven't seen them yet. I don't know how long its been since they last ran. They come on a trailer. Not sure if the trailer is road worthy. Don't know if they are 500s or 650s. He knows if I take them I am just going to flip them. He just don't want to deal with them. How many people have done this? Is it worth it? How tough are they to work on compared to a superjet? Should I take them? I live in the city in a condo. I would have to leave them at my parents to work on them.
Happened to us once we got 2 vxr pros, and a waveraider. Rich grandparents, the grand kids didn't care they sat on there boat dock or on the beach. Got the waveraider running and one of the vxr pros. Pretty easy to work on. Vxr pros had 701 61x motors and the waveraider had 61x/62t

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No go on get the two waverunners for now. Papa put his foot down. Said I don't care if you plan to sell them. You already have two superjets, a racing quad, dirt bike, and a pressure washer in the shed. No more toys until you can store them at your place. LOL


Its all about the surf!
Oceanside, CA
Yeah I second the misleading title thing, I thought you meant back flipped a couch. There was a guy (John Calafut) who used to ride Oceanside several years back who back flipped his couch. I never saw him do it but several credible people I know did. Ironically, His nick name was "Flipper"


stupid desert
take- dismantle them imediately (since you cant store) take the vins and tags (and all components) and scrap the hulls---- the parts seperatly are worth a ton more then the whole skis- keep the thing you might find valuable- IE flame arrestors, oem bolts, and start/ stop. whatever you think its up to you---- and sell the rest of the parts you'll make like 1000 (american) $$$ and have some parts that'll save you a TON of money in the future-- you would be astounded how many of the parts are the same as your SJ's. If it was me I would dismantle both and just keep MOST of the parts and throw the hulls away and sell the trailer.

-- steal all the gas line OEM gasl line IS THE poop!
If you pick them up I'll reimburse your rum and beer. And throw in a Mickey of fireball
No go. The new plan for next weekend is to blast them with guns and burn whats left. I wish I did not have other plans because I would sooo love to get my share of blasting them with my guns. lol
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