Foothold Install, Amount of Cloth Needed


I'd be lost without the x
I was wondering if you guys could help me here, I'm about to do my first foothold install and am trying to figure out how much cloth I will need. I know its specific to your own job but I just need a ballpark so I don't under order or have a ton of cloth laying around afterward. Thanks a lot. Also, I'm installing Rickters.

By the way, regular cloth or cloth tape? This is my first time using fiberglass.:shhh:

Any tips for the install?
you wont need much. buy a yard. use some west systems 404 filler to make a paste. glue them domn with the paste and lay some cloth around all the edges. i particularly like using the 2x2 twill glass from


I'd be lost without the x
Do you find the carbon fiber glass to be stronger then regular E-glass?

Yeah, probably a dumb question. That stuff if god damn expensive!
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V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
Your footholds are cheap fiberglass, so there's no need to worry about the strength of the fiber you use. I use biax, myself. A layer between the foothold and the tray when I rivet them in, then a couple more layers around the edge.
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