Foothold VS Straps

Didnt see some anything that pertained to my situation.

I had never rode a ski with footholds until today. A fx1. Blowsion Kickers. I did not like it at all. I do not like having my feet next to each other, or that far back in the tray. I live 3 hrs from the ocean, but I find myself riding surf stance and attempting everything ive done surf stance. I think ive ruined myself and no longer feel comfortable any other way.

Have any other flatwater riders done straps instead of holds? I already ordered 615 footholds, and I could install both, but i didnt like how the holds stuck into the tray, and I dont know if id ever use them.

I guess the qeustion is, will i be hindered in learning rolls on flatwater if i use straps in surf stance, is there a reason 90 percent of people run holds instead?
I was using straps on my 650sx until this winter when I put holds in. I wasn't using surf stance, just two holds next to each other. My main worry last season was when ever I would try to do a roll, I was worried I'd break my ankle or have my foot somehow get stuck in the strap so I stopped trying them. You also have more movement and aren't as literally "locked in" as with regular foot holds. I don't see how you will do a flatwater (or any) roll in surf stance though.
Right now i can do half rolls and enter upside down with no holds or straps. I just cant commit anymore without being attached somehow. I guess I can do straps, and if I dont like them, or they arent enough add the holds. I just only wanna turf the tray once if i can

Jet Ninja

701 reasons I'd rather be at the lake!
Why not do both? Lots of guys have 2 holds in back and a strap up front.

That's what I have, and it turns out I like one stance for some things, one stance for others.

i like your idea the best. i am a beginner and it has been very impornant in learning to have different stances at different times so i am going with holds and one strap up front and maybe a strap on the back sideways for my right foot i have seen it before and it looks sweet!
a guy in my town put 3 footholds in 2 in back and one up front on the left looked pretty stupid at first but i rode it and works amazing i run footholds in back and straps in front
I've seen people do like what you said^, but they have two full sets of holds. So two holds in line of each other on either side and no straps.
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