Super Jet Footholds and Turf

Going to be starting my footholds soon, and trying to think what the best way to do my turf is. I know a lot of people seem to use one piece for the rail/hold. I thought i remember seeing a how to on using one piece of turf for the hold/rail. Does anyone have a link to this, the wamiltons one in Tech didnt work?

How do most of yall do it, one piece for the side rail and the top of the hold then a piece to line the inside, or is using one piece and heating molding fairly easy? With turf being so expensive i'd like to do the easiest way possible, but would love to not have seams to maintain or see.
You mean using one piece for the outside and sides then using a separate for the lining making them meet right on the edge of the hold that sits over your instep?

Is it even possible to use one continuous piece for the whole hold/side? As you would need more for the inside?
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new jersey
When I did my SN I used 1 full piece that covered the sides, top of rails, and top portion of footholds. I then cut another piece for the inside of the footholds that cover the outer area and top. I seamed it on the ledge of the hold right before the top of your foot. Check the build section and see how others have done it. Patience.

I remember one thread where they used wooden dowels between the turf and boat when installing to prevent premature stick.
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