Custom/Hybrid Footrocket Talk

Stoked Just got a message from Nick and The first four footrockets should be leaving Australia in a few days.
We will be picking them up in San Francisco somewhere.

Pictures to follow.
4 Krash Ind. Footrockets are supposed to be landing in San Francisco today. We should be picking them up Wednesday. Some typical delays getting everything worked out.
There bad ass your gona love them . Did you get a couple of ride plates to cut and play with ?

We have a couple differant ride plates coming with some tubbies and tray extentions also. Nick has been working real hard on these and I expect them to be tite and sweet.
The hook up is through Stan, but yes Al I was the first one to make contact get the ball rolling and place my order.

I am pumped new boat.
Yeah we have his original one . Very stable for such a small ski even without the tubbies and a plate cut very short Ivan rag it round the bouys in between flip attempts !
You will Al. HP thanks for the info. I was looking for an all around ski that meets all of my needs. Flatwater fun, chasing boats, and surfriding.

Very nice, i have my surf boat but i want something i can really show off flatwater on the river, me and my friends are building 2 300sx
Honestly speaking . It's good at everything I'd say a xfs is a little more flip happy .(I'm no expert flipper that for sure ). But I prefer the ride of this ,it's still pretty twitchy only needs small inputs to get it going where you want but you get used to that easy enough . For all round like you want I'd say it's perfect and will bring a big smile to your face !
I weight in at around 190 and have no probs riding it .

Looking forward to seeing some pics and vids our went together real easy and it was the prototype yours should be slicker and better finished . Not that we have anything to complain about . In France nick was telling me all obout the different materials and layups and testing he does , sounds like he new what he was talkin about though I didn't understand most of it :smile:
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