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WILKEY SO FAR CHANGE SUCKS!!!!!! Location Va Beach."from the WOODZ not the damn hoodZ" Mar 13, 2008 #1 got more Attachments 2uyg1v5 (Large).jpg 94.9 KB · Views: 84 2ywsvux (Large).jpg 24.6 KB · Views: 52 2zggbc0 (Large).jpg 28 KB · Views: 77 5upx52 (Large).jpg 92.3 KB · Views: 87 l_9993354864f53da67c2bedbbb31a8d0e (Large).jpg 18.7 KB · Views: 70
WILKEY SO FAR CHANGE SUCKS!!!!!! Location Va Beach."from the WOODZ not the damn hoodZ" Mar 13, 2008 #2 bike cut out right at the base of the jump talk about a bad day!!!!!!!!! ill take a pic of my helmet today and post it up Attachments n6rqqd (Large).jpg 91.9 KB · Views: 153
bike cut out right at the base of the jump talk about a bad day!!!!!!!!! ill take a pic of my helmet today and post it up
Mark44 Katie's Boss Location 100% one place Mar 13, 2008 #4 That is like jumping waves on a Honda isn't it? Mark44
WILKEY SO FAR CHANGE SUCKS!!!!!! Location Va Beach."from the WOODZ not the damn hoodZ" Mar 13, 2008 #5 05 honda trx that bike
WILKEY SO FAR CHANGE SUCKS!!!!!! Location Va Beach."from the WOODZ not the damn hoodZ" Mar 13, 2008 #6 ouch............... thank god it was a 400 dollar helmet Attachments DSCI0289 (Large).jpg 66.1 KB · Views: 117
guiness92 ▓▓▒▒▒▓▓▓▒▒▒▒▓▓▓▓▓▓ Location South Jersey Shore Mar 13, 2008 #7 Mark44 said: That is like jumping waves on a Honda isn't it? Mark44 Click to expand... I wouldnt say that, I feel much more comfortable jumping on a dirtbike then on a quad.
Mark44 said: That is like jumping waves on a Honda isn't it? Mark44 Click to expand... I wouldnt say that, I feel much more comfortable jumping on a dirtbike then on a quad.
MADMAT Location Ohio Mar 13, 2008 #8 WILKEY said: 05 honda trx that bike Click to expand... Hell yea! Those gas shocks must feel GREAT compared to big landings without!
WILKEY said: 05 honda trx that bike Click to expand... Hell yea! Those gas shocks must feel GREAT compared to big landings without!
MADMAT Location Ohio Mar 13, 2008 #9 guiness92 said: I wouldnt say that, I feel much more comfortable jumping on a dirtbike then on a quad. Click to expand... That is the danger of a bike for me. I can launch a RM125 in to outer space.
guiness92 said: I wouldnt say that, I feel much more comfortable jumping on a dirtbike then on a quad. Click to expand... That is the danger of a bike for me. I can launch a RM125 in to outer space.
beachedflunkey wavejunkies Location Virginia Beach Mar 13, 2008 #10 that's my bootlip buddy :bananalama:
WILKEY SO FAR CHANGE SUCKS!!!!!! Location Va Beach."from the WOODZ not the damn hoodZ" Mar 13, 2008 #11 i rode bikes for the longest time...just wanted something different for a while.
MADMAT Location Ohio Mar 13, 2008 #12 Oh man I have ALWAYS wanted one of these but everyone I ride with rides 4 stokes so I always pass. One just pooped up again though!!
Oh man I have ALWAYS wanted one of these but everyone I ride with rides 4 stokes so I always pass. One just pooped up again though!!
Wolf Child Just Another Octard Location All over C. FL Mar 13, 2008 #13 oke:quads are gay :starwars: Last edited: Mar 13, 2008
WILKEY SO FAR CHANGE SUCKS!!!!!! Location Va Beach."from the WOODZ not the damn hoodZ" Mar 13, 2008 #14 to bad ur no concern to a quad rider
Wolf Child Just Another Octard Location All over C. FL Mar 13, 2008 #15 WILKEY said: to bad ur no concern to a quad rider Click to expand... I know.. they cant keep up
WILKEY SO FAR CHANGE SUCKS!!!!!! Location Va Beach."from the WOODZ not the damn hoodZ" Mar 13, 2008 #16 haha:439:
750SX DO IT Location Palmyra Mar 13, 2008 #18 Sweet dude! I'm selling my quad in about a day, I'm going to miss it If my buddies had quads I would keep it. Oh well my bro's have skis though! Last edited: Mar 14, 2008
Sweet dude! I'm selling my quad in about a day, I'm going to miss it If my buddies had quads I would keep it. Oh well my bro's have skis though!
Vumad Super Hero, with a cape! Location St. Pete, FL Mar 14, 2008 #19 A 450 quad can match with a 250 bike.
butti lone wolf Location F-XTC Mar 14, 2008 #20 i thought i was the only quad lover around here:thinking: