forearm burn, tendon tightness on throttle hand


New York Crew
Western New York
So by sunday in Daytona i was experiencing a major case of forearm pump/burn to the under side of my forearm... which I have never had before. So much so that i could only ride for about 20 min on sunday, and could barely grip the throttle heading into a nose stab.

when i returned from daytona i started to experience a tightness in the tendon area below my thumb at the wrist. Like a cramp of some kind. I cannot straighten my arm out in any direction without it feeling like the tendon is going to pull away from my thumb, and it tightens a bit in my elbow and shoulder as well, but the worst of it is at the wrist.

anyone ever have an issue like this?

I have a doc appt today at noon, and I'm not sure what to expect.

This sucks...

I've heard of MX's having trouble with the muscle in the forearm squeezing the tendon or nerve causing loss of grip, and requiring surgery to open the muscle up to make room again. God I hope that's not the issue...



Matakana Menace
I get that also, but have never had it looked at before... I had Carpal Tunnel about 10 years ago when I was a CAD designer, so I know what the Doctor will tell me...:grumble:

And I will not stop riding....



New York Crew
Western New York
I get that also, but have never had it looked at before... I had Carpal Tunnel about 10 years ago when I was a CAD designer, so I know what the Doctor will tell me...:grumble:

And I will not stop riding....


that's what the diagnosis was? that will suck... I'm on a pc about 8 - 10 hours a day... i hope that's not it.:crying:


New York Crew
Western New York
back from the doc... looks like slight tendonitis... gave me some anti-inflamatory meds for a little while and said take it easy for a little while... and stretch more.

take it easy for a while... that'll be easy, it's cold as fock and snowin up here. As for stretching more... guess I'll have to make myself reach further for the shot of crown on the bar from now on.


just ride through it. the first on a dirtbike sucks, but after that, its gold. you just gotta ride through it, and it will go away
Tendonitis is when the skin seperated from the muscle, and then blood starts to get in between the muscle and skin and drys and harden. I had it on tour in 1986 busch cup days. I Kept racing every weekend could not hang on to the bars at all but i was there to race. Take care of it do not use it for a while. It took me three week before it felt 100% again. When you move your wrist does it make a sound and feel funny. Thats the dryed blood. not good. Mauler
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New York Crew
Western New York
good info... actually after resting it for a week it's feeling much better already. I'll keep resting it... since i have about 2 more months of cold winter left anyway... LOL


thanks darin...noswad!
Probably won't like this answer, but you might try a thumb throttle off a sx or X2, I have been having great results with mine, don't get that finger fatige.
I had the same problem. I went back to the 4 degree bars and this help out. The strait bars pinch the pressure point at the base of the thumb and pointer finger especially on your right hand because of your finger reaching for the throttle. Also changing the throttle to the one with the bend in it help me. I been try figure out an easy way to change the throttle ratio so you would only have to reach out half the distance and pull it half as far, I think this would also take some pressure off.
Tendonitis is when you have small tears where the tendon connects to the muscles and causes inflamation. I had it in the elbow and it took 1 year and finally surgery, it's perfect now. Now I have it in the knee for 8 months now, it killed last years riding season and now I have Rotator Cuff Tendonitis, it snaps and pops and hurts like a mo fo. Doc says as long as we don't stretch we will keep him in business. Start stretching!!!:bananajump:


What! What!
I had the same problem. I went back to the 4 degree bars and this help out. The strait bars pinch the pressure point at the base of the thumb and pointer finger especially on your right hand because of your finger reaching for the throttle. Also changing the throttle to the one with the bend in it help me. I been try figure out an easy way to change the throttle ratio so you would only have to reach out half the distance and pull it half as far, I think this would also take some pressure off.

I totally agree, and I say again, check the slack in your throttle cable. I can only tell you from personal experience, but I took too much slack out of mine once and almost immediately had a problem with tendonitis from my index finger, across my wrist and all the way to the top of my forearm at the elbow. It might have nothing to do with the problem that initiated this thread, but it does not hurt to check it out. As for the bars, I have always preferred the angled vs. the straight for the same reasons you site.
Straight bars are unnatural, when you hold your hands in front of you they are on a slight angle. I know they move you forward a little, but a shorter pole would do the same thing. I cant think of another sport were the bars are straight, some times I think they exist just because they are cheaper an easer to make.
if the angle or position of the throttle lever moves that can cause your hand to get tired pretty quick
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