Forget blasters, the new Spark has... foot wedges!

"The 2017 SPARK TRIXX model comes equipped with numerous innovations including handlebar with adjustable riser, step wedges and extended-range Variable Trim System (VTS), all of which help riders perform tricks like a pro."

I get the adjustable handlebars, but the other two features don't make much sense to me. Do people do tail stands on purpose? And who needs trim on a ski that can't flip?

Their time would've been better spent if they just added some power and cut some weight. Hopefully Yamaha has something better to reveal next week...


Maximum effort
our hommie and promoter for the grayland open Dan rode a demo spark in the sport class this year and broke his nose. Bar pad came through the helmet.

The spark is a gamechanger and always has been. They are super cool for the first time ski. You gotta know how to unlock sport mode and they really come alive.
I honestly liked the Spark when it came out. They went back to a smaller playful hull.

Same, and when it took off I was hoping Yamaha would take the opportunity to go back to their roots and release something similar. Instead they released these silly marketing videos where they spent the whole time trash-talking the Spark and completely missing the point [1] [2]. They might as well have been comparing a minivan to a corvette. "Sure the corvette is agile, but does it seat 7 with room for luggage!?"

Yamaha lineup comes out in 6 days... maybe this will be the year. Probably not :/
I bought one last summer. It was cool well it was working. They have a plastic wear ring. First day I had it I put 1 hour and 24 minutes on the clock and it chewed up the ring. Took it back the dealership that day. I was riding in the middle of the Niagra river. No where near shore. Luckily I went up river and was able to float back to the house. To me this is the one big flaw with them.


Urban redneck
"Game changer" they say... If I wanted a nimble 2 seater(besides Blaster) I would rather have a mint 96 XP for about 6K less... You can do all the same stuff on a 96 XP.
By riding sweet sweet standups you've already shown your willing to deal with A: Carbs. F these things. And B: 2 strokes. Not legal in lots of areas.
Lots of people don't share that willingness to deal with complete retardation that is 2 strokes with carbs.
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