Found an a/m hull insurance


Buy a Superjet
Insured her about a month ago, underwriter approved it, got my packet in the mail and so far no cancellation notice. So figured I would post it.

Insured my bob Gen 3 for 10k and it has a home built title.

Here is the info: Tell them Cody refereed you and they will know you want a/m hull insurance.

Fernanda Alcantara
Office Representative

605 Lincoln Blvd Ste 110
Lincoln, CA 95648
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i got 12k in coverage for 238 a year, my house insurance iw akso through them, and i have a boater safety card so was given a discount. tild me they have multiple skis insured in the redsing area.

i was not able to use ypur rep cody as i already has state farm, but it otherwise worked fine. i can sink it in the ocean and im paid

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