found this during disassembly


chilling with these guys.
good old p'cola
flipped the ski over to find that something had eaten or clawed out my sealant from the hull and pump


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Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
I use Permatex Clear RTV Silacone. It has been the best by far that I have ever used to seal up pumps. Gasoline will dissolve it though. That makes old pump jobs easier to clean up. It needs a full day to sure. One time I used some cheap silacone crap from the plumbing store that claimed ot be water proof... they should have said cavitation enhancing sealer! That stuff pulled right out after one ride and the ski ran like crap afterwards. I bought an X2 once for parts that didn't even have teh pump glued in. I bet the seller thought he pulled a fast one on me thinkign the ski was a dog. Oh well, I just wanted the pipe on it. lol


chilling with these guys.
good old p'cola
pump sealant is key here. the right stuff is gas and oil tough and the short cure time remove just cut aroundthe pump w/ a blade and pull. to re-seal apply a small beadto the hull against the old sealant and insert the pump. i usually clean off the pump just to minimize the sqiush out

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Yep right stuff is the shizz,I can install a pump,put the exit nozzle,steering and trim cables back on ,ride to the lake and by the time I get there its set and ready to jet.:drive:
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