FP Type 4 - bottom end??


ISJWTA Member #007
Hey guys, this is Jeff's son Jacob. I was just wanting to ask oppinions. Now i don't want this to turn into a heated battle about which pipe is better because i think everyone here can admit that the B-pipe is the "holy Grail" of the freestyle world, but how does the Factory pipe type 4 dry pipe (the one with the blue powder coating) compare to the b-pipe at bottom end? Also, overall how is the type 4 pipe for freestyle? Would it be better to eventually switch it out for a b-pipe or should i just go for the big bang now and make the trade for the b-pipe now? Just to put some insight on the boat these pipe would run on. It's a 2001 RN sj with a pro tec porting job, dual 48 mm riva carbs, MSD inhancer, drop trim (not that it matters), a magnum 144 mm pump, and an unknown pitch of skat trak prop. It also has an intake grate (choice of protec, riva, and Work 205 scoop grates) and a worx dominator ride plate (the longer one, but will be cut down for freestyle). Everythign is in good to perfect condition and the boat is in the process of getting a complete overhaul.

any help of advice would be appreciated.



This Is The Way
Staff member
Once I got mine properly set up it had the same bottom end as the 3 similarly setup limited skis with B pipes that I rode and had much more mid and top. IMO the type 4 made as good if not better power from idle to redline, restricting water to the waterbox is key. I think it is a much better rec pipe than the B pipe, the only downside was it was tougher to work on the engine with it installed.


ISJWTA Member #007
Yeah, it's a big bulky thing. I do not have the water injection system. Does the WI make a significant difference in bottom end performance? and how do you limit the water going into the water box like you were talking about? Do you think i would be happier with the type 4 or switching to a b-pipe?


This Is The Way
Staff member
From what I have heard the water injection evens out the powerband but doesnt really make more power I wouldnt mess with it. You can restrict the water by threading a mikuni main jet into the stinger fitting, that really woke mine up down low. As far as changing to a bpipe..depends on what kind of riding you do and how much $ you have to spend. The dry pipes are fairly popular but dont sell as fast, once you do sell you have to track down a used or new B pipe and pay through the nose for it. For normal rec riding I would stick with the dry.


ISJWTA Member #007
i'm looking to do a lot of freestyle. granted that i'm not in surf, but i will be trying for the barrell rolls. i can already sub and i'm just looking for some bottom end to really open up trick possibilities. I have funds to back a b-pipe, and if i plan to switch i'm going to sell the type 4 dry pipe and order directly from FP. my dad has a b-pipe on his 02 with an ADA head. i guess i'm just trying to decided (before the real season begins) weither or not to switch to the b-pipe. my mind is really torn. I'm not really looking for blinding speeds because there aren't many standup riders around and if you try to race a sit down you might win, but if you don't, then they think they are amazing for beating you. I'm looking for more of 1/4 to 1/2 throttle and when you get a nice wave you get nice bottom end to try for a barrell roll. Any input is appreciated. thanks


This Is The Way
Staff member
I would wait, ride it back to back against a B piped ski then decide. Swapping a pipe mid season is not that big of a deal.


ISJWTA Member #007
sounds good. Also, a plus on keeping the type 4 and trying it out is that the twin 48's are already in tune to the ski and might only need minor tweeking. Do you know of anywhere where i can purchase (cheaper than FP) the coupler that connects the manifold to the stinger?


RN Surgery... soon
Many people are running B pipes that have lasted them over 10 years.

If you eventually want to run one I would bite the bullet now and buy a brand new one. Finding a used one is impossible for a fair $ and this way you won't get one with frozen screws, missing couplers/hoses, etc...

If you can't afford the B right now I would run the dry, try to dial it in as well as you can. Once the setup runs well, I would keep it until there is reason to change.

Main advasntages of a B pipe over the dry is

Clean engine bay, lots of room to work around the B pipe
Ease of tuning


ISJWTA Member #007
thanks for the input. I'm stringly considering going for the b-pipe because i want to set my 01 up for freestyle. My father (the actual showmepro1200) has a b-pipe and his boat is 10X easier to work on and around the pipe because of it. Plus the prop that the RN has now is set for higher speed and i would need to change it for bottom end eventually. Stay tuned, but the whole MAG pump might (and i say MIGHT) be up on the auction block soon.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
thanks for the input. I'm stringly considering going for the b-pipe because i want to set my 01 up for freestyle. My father (the actual showmepro1200) has a b-pipe and his boat is 10X easier to work on and around the pipe because of it. Plus the prop that the RN has now is set for higher speed and i would need to change it for bottom end eventually. Stay tuned, but the whole MAG pump might (and i say MIGHT) be up on the auction block soon.

The type 4 does make good power. but if you plan on freestyle, this pipe is a maintenance nightmare, couplers will burn up, orings burn up......... best bet is to go with a B Pipe.

There is a reason that just about every freestyle competitor runs a B Pipe.

Also, you need to create your own account instead of using your dads.......


ISJWTA Member #007
(this is dad)

Thanks for the advice BK - and yeah I've been telling Jake for a long time now to think up his own darn name ha ha - if this two-poster condition goes on much longer folks might start thinking I've got multiple personalities.....:beerchug:

We are seriously contemplating the sale of the pump (as a whole unit) and the pipe - that would give us the $$ to get the B-pipe and all the other items he's looking to put on the 01.

Anyone have a VERY GOOD pump/driveshaft/wearring setup to sell? We don't need the nozzle part, thats where the Protec unit gets bolted on. And we really don't need an impeller either, since we will likely call Impros on that.
do you run an ecwi on the type 4....i heard people do it both with/ and w/out. I am thinking about putting one on my ski....rec only but want a little more kick in the a$$


This Is The Way
Staff member
do you run an ecwi on the type 4....i heard people do it both with/ and w/out. I am thinking about putting one on my ski....rec only but want a little more kick in the a$$

I dont think the water injection will give you any increase in power just smooth out the power transition. From what I have read anyways...
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