"free" waverunner

The Penguin

triple secret probation
I'm sure some of you have been there - "hey my friend has an old WR - if you want it, you can have it"

I got the call yesterday - it's an 89 waverunner. I'm sure the motor is shot.

could I drop my spare 650 in it so I can sell the thing?

Or just junk the ski and keep the galvanized trailer?

I thought about cutting the bottom out and using that for my skiff project, but I think those WR's use a small pump...right?

The Penguin

triple secret probation
I went and looked at it yesterday - I have to go back with an air compressor to inflate the tires. It's a friend of a friend - she said I could leave it there for a bit - just as long as I come to get it.

it's got a good trailer.


Squarenose FTW
Site Supporter
part the WR and get a nice free trailer!
I have a 89 WR500 that still runs like a champ, all 26 mph!
cant kill it, great for newbies and my girl's friends
tinypump, nothing interchanges

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
It defiantly has a small pump, the 650 engine will go in there but you have to have the LX bedplates for it to fit and the midshaft coupler has to be changed.


Анархия - мать порядка!
I have so much junk in my garage and basement, I can barely walk there... thinking of adding more junk to it makes me sick.
And to add I have a SN on trailer stored about 50 miles from my house that I have to pick up somehow... Someone, please shoot me.
Take it! My first skis were 2 horribly disfigured '89 WR500's that sat about 1/2 from the surf for years in the sun. I tore them apart and their lay before me was 2 like new SkatTrak impellers, used the engine to build a Jammer and history was made, and the jammer is still my favorite ski, just tooooooo dang under powered, I would LOVE to put a 144mm pump in one and a 701. I saw a Pro-Tec pipe on Ebay a few weeks ago for the WR500, it was like 250+shipping, I tried to find it again but think it's gone, looks like your going to a 650 anyway.

Odd Duck

Jet Vet
Hey Boris (and Shawn),
I need a WRIII pump to re-do The Duck. How much you want for one? Shawn, would that push it into the "worth it" zone? If you get them moved to TX, I'll take one of the pumps. Don't need the prop, but I need the entire pump and housing with the intake area - Sawsall here we come.
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