Freeride for charity MX style!

Ride for AT in Bremen GA
Thousands attended, with $51,770.00 raised for the charity. $48,000.00 last year!:hail:

Even with the success of Daytona. This really reminds me how small time our sport is.....

The 4th Annual DMXS Ride 4 A-T charity event raised $51,770.00 on the Sunday following the Amp'd Mobile Supercross race in Atlanta at the Bremen Racepark, in Bremen Georgia. This has by far been our most successful event to date and the heavy rain that fell the night before did little to dampen the spirits or turnout as the weather broke in time for a spectacular February day in Georgia. All of the monies raised will go directly to the A-T Children’s Project for research in hopes of finding a cure to this debilitating childhood disease.

Our great friend and event organizer Heath Hamrick's beautiful daughter suffers from this disease and he was touched by the incredible support. "The money raised here today will go to research to help find a cure for A-T. If it were possible for everyone to spend one day in Savanna's life, you would understand this cruel disease and what it means to the children and their families with A-T. Your support helps us live with hope that a cure will be found." Heath would also like to thank his family and friends for their unconditional love and support.

This charity ride holds a special place in Ricky Carmichael's heart and his continued support of this event further proves his resolve to help bring awareness to this rare childhood disease. Ricky was on hand again this year to sign autographs and just hang out with the fans. "It’s great to see Atlanta come out in support of the Ride 4 A-T every year." The fans were appreciative and understood just how important this event was to Ricky. "Helping out these kids is what it is all about. I will always be involved until they find a cure." RC is a true champion on and off the track.

Fox Racing's Scott Taylor usually works his magic behind the scenes, but we have to mention how integral his help has been to this event for the last four years. Scott's attitude has always been, "Whatever you guys need," and then he makes it happen. He has been there every step of the way and we count on his support to make this event a success every year. Fox Racing presented us with some awesome one of a kind RC gear to auction off at the ride including gear worn at RC’s final race in Atlanta. Fox has supported our charity event from day one, and this is just another example of their commitment.

American Suzuki and Cole Gress went above and beyond to ensure the success of our event this year. Suzuki and Freewheelin’ Honda donated a replica Rock Star RM-Z250, and also teamed with Mountain Adventures to donate a replica Carmichael RM-Z450 to be auctioned off. The newly formed SX team of Bad Boys/ donated a minibike which also helped our record total. This kind of support from the industry has made all the difference and the A-T Children’s Project knows how much our sport cares.

One of the big highlights for the fans is our huge pro-rider turnout for some autographs and some face time not afforded them at the races. This year was no different as the fans were treated to some of the biggest names in our sport. RC, Ezra Lusk, Shae Bentley, Tim Ferry and Matt Walker are all personal friends of Heath and Savanna and they continue to whatever they can for this event. Davi Millsaps stopped by on his way home to South Georgia for a few hours and brought Bryan Johnson and the MTF gang with him. Red Bull FMX’s Jeff Tilton and Tomcat Clowers were in attendance too. Matt Shue was sporting our special Ride 4 A-T graphics on his bike for the Atlanta SX, and locals Zack Osborne Leah Cantrell, Jessica Patterson, Eddie Ray were all there for the fans too. Amateur sensations’ Justin Barcia, Nico Izzi, Ian Treddle, Shawn Rife, PJ Larsen, Michael McDade, Taylor Futrell, and Ashley Fiolek tore up the red clay track all day. Leatt was on hand all day to answer questions and fit riders with their revolutionary new brace for a demo day and generously donated two of the braces to the event.

We could not pull this event off without the countless hours put in by our faithful volunteers. We can never express how grateful we are to the men and women that go above and beyond every year for this event. Christina Denny from defines what caring and compassion is all about and her efforts reflect that. It is this kind of selfless attitude that makes working with this group of people so amazing. Also, Shane Yeagin from Tucker Rocky steps up every year and really swings for the fences and makes sure we are taken care of. We could never individually thank each and every volunteer, but please know how appreciative we are for all your hard work and sacrifice. An extra special thanks to Racer X, Vital MX, Transworld MX,, Studio 411, and Speed TV for coming out and covering the event. They were all on a deadline after the Atlanta SX, but still made time to help spread the word. Well done, gentlemen.

The industry continues to back the DMXS Ride-4-AT every year and we want to certainly recognize their support. On behalf of DMXS Radio and Heath Hamrick, we would like to thank: Live Nation, Makita, Suzuki, Fox Racing, Mountain Adventures, Leatt, Bremen Race Park,, Red Bull, O'GIO, Pro-Circuit, Maxxis Tires, Aaron Rocco's, Tucker Rocky Distributing, MX Sports, Mike Koger of Smooth Industries, Yamaha, Hertz Equipment Rental, Canada, The Racing Paper, Motoworld, Serious Racewear, Jason Weigandt, Mike Farber, Wes Cain, Answer, MSR, Pro Taper, Pat Schutte, Denny Hartwig, Tony Gardea, Todd Jendro, Kyle Kelly, King Kelly, King’s Cobra, and Sagon RV.


Im done sanding!!!
Dallas Georgia
Wow, all this going on at my back door step:biggthumpup: I used to ride that track around 10 years ago. Even broke some bones out there:crutches:
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