Fuel delivery issues


So long and thanks for all the fish
My ski always seemed the run out of gas with like 1/3 tank left, plus it seems like the carbs like richer jetting than anyone else with similar setups (Pancake and I have identical engines almost and his jetting is/was lower than mine likes).

Well, I have to pull the flywheel due to yesterday's issue, but my tank was full, so I was siphoning through the fuel pickup/filter and noticed it was super slow even with pumping pressure into the tank with my popoff gauge.

Here's what it was. BUGS in the filter.

It's clean now after back-blowing with compressed air.

I never would have noticed probably had my tank not been full and the bendix didn't go out.

BTW, this is a jetskisolutions filter---it bent like that within the first 2 months, and it's now super hard. It still works, but permanently in that shape and yellow.



So long and thanks for all the fish
Nope, just the gas softened it and it bent to conform to the fuel lines. It was so soft you could push the sides in easily, then over time it hardened.


Random Performance
I did remeber reading something about these filters bending and discoloring, but I can't remeber where?

I've been using the JSS filters for around 12 months now, as well as a few of my mates and have zero issues. I'm tipping that it may be something in your fuel over there. The amount of diffewrent additives that different companies use these days would make it near on impossible to create something that was guaranteed to be resistant to all fuels.

Superjett, have you had similar issues with any other filters?


makin' legs
In fairness to JSS those filters are not proprietary to him. Those filters as well as his primer bulb, water restrictors, and many other of "his" items are straight out of the Hot Products catalog. I'm running the same filter, but with a pink internal structure with fuel(VP MS-109) that is more aggresive chemically than almost any other fuel with no problems. Maybe John got a bad batch. All of those filters are made by the company that make the "visu-filters".




So long and thanks for all the fish
The filter I prefer, just haven't bought one yet, is aluminum with a bronze element, and you just unscrew it to clean it out. I had one on my 550 FOREVER, just never bought another after selling the ski.

charles is correct
that is just a generic fuel filter
not jss fault he just supplied it
i know its not gonna help but i use the factory filters
1 they have more filter area (so bugs willnt clog them up)
2 they also have a built in water trap not that its a problem


So long and thanks for all the fish
Leave the tank sitting on the garage floor for a week, it will have bugs in it. Just ask geek, my old garage was a bug haven, and it's looking like this one will be too.
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Just SJBri = no more XP
Northern, NJ
Got ya, I was thinking that they infiltrated the fuel system, never thought about them attacking parts being stored :wink:


vomitspot said:
charles is correct
that is just a generic fuel filter
not jss fault he just supplied it
i know its not gonna help but i use the factory filters
1 they have more filter area (so bugs willnt clog them up)
2 they also have a built in water trap not that its a problem

I have been using the Purolator 20004 filter that is available at Advance or any other parts house. It looks identical to the stock Yamaha unit and appears to have the same internal configuration. They are about $3 as opposed to the $15 for the Riva or stock units. I have been using them for a few years with no problems. The will keep the bugs out for sure.. Did you check the filters in the carbs while you are debugging the fuel system??:cool2:
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