Fuel - how old is too old


This thread just proves how cheap you are. Old gas has one purpose....starting fires, maybe used for cleaning chains.
No this isnt about being cheap at all. but about using resources in best manner - and dont piss away resources.
Dosent make any sense to throw out fuel, if it works for the purpose its bought for.
But i guess the same "non cheap guys" runs VP MS109 for their stock superjet with ADA head?
I don't know how much the octane actually drops but here in California all or pump gas contains ethanol and in about 4 weeks it turns really yellow. I try to only mix up what I need for that day and on my motorcycles and skis that are oil injected I drain the tanks after a month and just run it in our cars. If I have any leftover premix I use it to wash parts then dump any remaining in with my used oil but it isn't more than a few oz's at that point.
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