@Citizen Depending on what you end up with carb wise I can help you with some jetting specs. Some carbs like reverse jetting some dont. I was more making a statement that I cant believe it ran . Plus most everyone had covered the differences in between carbs. But ill do it anyways.
3 bolts up top with an OEM intake manifold with no speed plate, one fuel pump with a master and a slave carb = OEM 38's
4 bolts up top is 44/46 SBN. Black 44's with curved fuel in and out fittings are OEM off a 760 And usually came with fuel pumps with 2 different angle of pulse fittings. 760 cases always had 2 pulse fittings one per side. OEM 44's always had 1 fuel pump per carb. OEM dual 44 intake manifolds had a factory speed plate as the SBN38 has a different bolting pattern.
Silver 44's and 46's have a different 90 degree in and out for the fuel lines and both pulse fittings carb side will match.
Anything that doesnt have a bolt on area for a flame arrestor probably has a bell pressed into it. Most of the time you can tell what it is and who makes it BUT always measure the underside to get the size of the carb. If you post a picture of somthing with a press in fuel bell most people on here can tell you what it is or what we think it is.
Personally i always run 1 fuel in line from the tank per carb, then I "Y" the return line. Depending if the AM carbs your running have the restrictors drilled out you have to run a main jet inside the return "Y" fitting. The 967 needs good consistent fuel flow. I have friends that have VERY good luck with OEM 46's. If you need an intake manifold pony up for the PHP manifold from
@JetManiac Everyone has a preference, I prefer VF2's for reeds.