Full Spec Carbs Vs. Dasa Carbs

cause special sauce sells around here.. the diff between the powerbomb and dasa carb must be smalll they look the same in all respects inside and out. The fuel consumption is crazy on both,I suppose for 15 min flat water rides it doesnt matter,in the surf on longer rides it makes a big diff.. anyone have any data on how long run time the fs carbs get per tank compared to pb/dasa carbs
So I got my 1200 back from Dasa the other day and put it back in the Footrocket with Dasa carbs instead of Fullspecs this time. I can't attribute this solely to the carbs because there were a couple other issues I had before that I fixed (like leaking PF water jacket.) This motor is a monster now, it feels like a 1200 should, whereas before I was always pretty disappointed. I still have some tuning to do, the carbs are loading up a bit. I don't know if that's due to the 16mm vibrating more than the 10mm or maybe the 16mm has a stronger pulse signal? But I'm going to increase popoff and jet up a couple sizes and try that.

It's worth noting that I'm sending my FS's to Ed to have him go over them and I'm sure he'll be replacing throttle shafts and butterflies in one carb at least. I can see that the cable pull side butterfly is worn by the throttle shaft and there's a gap there. So maybe I'll do a back to back when I get the carbs back from Ed.
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615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
615freeride tride both on his 7 port 900 dasa and stuck with the Dasas only because they were e last ones on the boat no huge difference, full specs may have more if you tinker long enough with them but Dasa carbs respond way easier to screw turning so less jet changing involved in getting them right imo


Limerick, PA
All the top carbs work great with each slightly different for small reasons. I think some are over rated, but wont bash them. I would recommend when your spending that much on carbs, do some research understand what make each unique. Which ever one you believe will work the best is the one you will notice hit harder and be happy with.

I would also put a lot of weight into what your entire power plant package would benefit from or is built for. If you have a motor with a pedigree, definitely ask your builder for there recommendation. Should save you on tuning as well.

5 years ago when I put together my 5mil budget/mutt motor, I called around and ended up going with FS. Ed is always good to talk to, he explains stuff well and really understand the whole package. I have run FS on motors after that and will probably run FS on any motor that needs them from here on out. I'm biased at this point :) and like supporting the PA economy :)


First World Problems...
Southern Oregon
Digging up this old thread I have dasa 48's and seems like they been hit and miss some days run good other days load up really bad. I'm running these on a 10 mil stroker and think I might have the popoff a touch low..
What jetting and popoff are you guys running in you're dasa's?


Liquid Insanity
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New York Crew
IMO along with P&Ps comments, i agree. Most that have not back to backed carbs would not know the difference. Dasa carbs are a great deal. I do not get "hooked up" any more by either. The Dasa's are less expensive. That being said i currently run a set of P&P tuned 49 ALVR 6's from 2017. There are differences to all of the FS carbs. Most don't notice, or couldn't tell. The newest ALVR7s with the shifted booster seem to add more top. still not sure if it affects bottom end or not. The Dasa is easier to tune, as the screws can be changed more. The FS prefer certain settings, once you know that the FS are just as easy to tune as the Dasa. I prefer the FS as once set they are set. I also prefer them because of Eds friendship, the time he spends with me tuning, and the attention to detail he does specific carbs for each of my builds designing what i am asking for. Kyle on the other hand is a good friend as well and makes awesome carbs. I wouldn't hesitate to run either.

IMO this is not an apples to apples comparison. To some it will be, therefore you cannot debate this question with someone who hasn't understood all the variables to the debate.

FYI, FS are available in full bore so that they don't neck down internally. Not saying you want or need them, but stating apples to apples. You can order any thing you like made from FS. Most other make one carb. Also part of the confusion with customer tailored parts as they enter the used market. FYI 49-50 mm ALVR7s on a stock stroke 700 series motor. Not a good match.
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