Full spectrum carbs ROCK!!!

  • Thread starter Freestyleriverrat
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makin' legs
Not knocking full specs, but you need to ride my boat w/48 Blackjacks. I'm also running a dominator manifold/M-16 reed setup w/jetworks petals. Cleanest running boat I've ever ridden!:biggthumpup:



Mile9c1 said:
What were your 44mm carbs setup with?

Well my carbs are not fully tuned yet but they are OEM 44's, no choke, proks, R&D manifold (no cross overs), and v-force gen 1's. The 44's feel good but those full spec 46's are just sick. I have been on other boats with 44's that were all tuned to perfection and hit well but the full specs just feel very clean and crisp. it is hard to describe. I rode it with the 44's yesterday and the 46's today so it was almost a back to back comparison.


The full specs had an external fuel pump but my 44's do not, they each have their stock configuaration pumps. However, on my ported motor those pumps supply ample fuel.

I just looked at some flow numbers and both full specs., novi maxiflows and RIVA power bombs look like great carbs. I am seriously considering getting a set of Full Spectrum's, the difference was that noticable. First I am going to dial in my 44's but even dialed in they will not hit as hard or feel as clean. Blowsion sells the full specs manifold and RAD valves but I think they only sell a single 49mm Full spec carb. They reccomend using the dual manifold with the RIVA power bomb carbs........probably b/c I don't think they stock Full spec carbs.
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norcal ex said:
oh ok, i have a ported 760 and didnt know if i needed to run a fuel pump with my taperbored 46s

Could not hurt. Blocking off the stock pumps and getting a new external pump is only like 100. If you are not having fuel delivery issues I would not worry about it.


Does anyone have a comparison between the full specs and the RIVA power bombs? I hear good thing about hose carbs as well.


Grand Rapids, MI
Can you try the Full Specs with your V-Force I reeds? I've never heard anything good about the I's, maybe the reeds are having as big an effect as the carbs.


Im done sanding!!!
Dallas Georgia
crammit442 said:
Not knocking full specs, but you need to ride my boat w/48 Blackjacks. I'm also running a dominator manifold/M-16 reed setup w/jetworks petals. Cleanest running boat I've ever ridden!:biggthumpup:

He aint lying:biggthumpup: Your boats the cleanest carbed boat I have ever ridden too. Pulls hard all the way through.


Mile9c1 said:
Can you try the Full Specs with your V-Force I reeds? I've never heard anything good about the I's, maybe the reeds are having as big an effect as the carbs.

Heck no I have these carbs for the weekend so I am just going to be riding :biggthumpup: I'll finish break in today and start having some fun.
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