1. Watched
@chixwithtrix 's learn to jet ski videos after skiing yesterday:
Highly recommend it.
2. Tried her advanced turning technique today.
Friggin' awesome. I still fall. Allot. But its fun when I nail it. Inside turn foot forward, rear foot perpendicular in the tray to put pressure on heal or toes as needed depending on the phase of the turn.
3. Found out what body position I need to hook up the pump while running WOT. For me it is head and body low, both feet forward toes touching the front end of the tray, pressure along the length of both feet, arms totally extended, butt way back.
The pump hooks up and stays hooked up like a friggin' rocket!
Until I get too scared and back off the throttle.
Now I know why I saved this picture I found on the internet about Camp Far West racing:
Look at the difference in angle of the hull between the ski in front and the ski in second.
Look where the water breaks on the ski in front vs. the ski in second.
The hull on the ski in front is not pushing water. It is not disturbing the water at all. See the mirror image?
The hull on the ski in second is pushing water, making white water.
The white water is being sucked up by the intake grate.
The pump on the ski in front is the only thing making white water.
The ski in front is sucking up dense green water, making more thrust.
Any comments or suggestions?
BTW, I was helping a guy put his boat on his trailer in the wind this afternoon which was too much for his kid to handle. I told the kid I would hold the boat because I was already wet because I fall allot. The kid said "Yeah, I saw."