Thanks for all the feedback guys! Guess I should let you in on my situation.. the launch area where I do 95% of my riding has virtually no slope. Right now I use a trailer. I back all four wheels into the water and still have to go drag my ski off of the trailer. I would love if I could just slide her in the bed, but by the time I got the tailgate close enough to the water to get the ski in by myself I wouldn't be able to open my door cuz there'd be a foot of water against it... I know hitch haulers are simple and easy, but I'm high strung, and it freaks me out using my ski as a rear bumper.. same reason I'm trying to get off the trailer and into the truck bed. Aside from the while road debris thing....
A couple other things..
I already have a set of ramps that would work.
I'm in the process of building a headache rack so it would be no biggie to attach a winch up front.
I'm going to be building a beach cart so I could somewhat fit it to the application with small wheels on the back, etc..
Blast away