Super Jet Gas Tank Vent

if you're worried about venting while on the trailer, just disconnect the one-way valve, and let if vent. make sure you put it back on when you go riding or no fuel flow (limited anyway).

that's my .02
simple & easy.
Maybe the one that I had was aftermarket. I cut it open a few days after posting this and there is no way that it vented at 5psi. I'm going to find a dirt bike one, sounds like the easiest way.
An oem one will vent at a very slow rate starting right around 5 psi. You can find replacements for cheaper from auto parts stores but do not run one. They do not vent until failure at around 40 psi. Most people run a pop off below that so running one of those could get you in a very sticky situation. If you want to cheap out just coil up some hose and secure it under the tank strap but I personally would even advise against that unless you open your hood before every start.

Old post but thought I would add. Dustin has this correct. I have stock 38 on my superjet and was running an aftermarket vent after the oem one failed. The aftermarket has no venting until a crazy high pressure much higher than most Popoff pressures. Consequently, when I went to start after being stored in a hot garage, the cylinders were flooded with fuel and left a nice stain on my driveway after I got her running….Stick with oem as it does vent around 5psi. They are pricey but in my mind worth it in this regard.

The thing that is weird is my other super jet with aftermarket carbs and runs the aftermarket check valve and there’s no issues . There’s no leaks in the fuel system. My theory is the lower pop-up pressure allows it to vent through the carbs without pulling fuel via a siphon effect. Still stumped by this one.

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