
Hey guys, have not posted here in a long time, I sold my skis when I moved too far from the coast to make the drive worthwhile to go ride. Since then, I've been riding motos a ton more. Since most of you are tinkerers / builders I figured you all might be interested to see what I've been up to. I'm sure most of you are familiar with ADVRider, we started this thread in the vendors forum to give a "sneak Peek" and get some feedback on our work before we launch our site in the next week or so. Let us know what you think!

PS: Anyone riding dirt scooters up in Chico?


onthepipe need to make those handguard mounts rubber mounted...

allot of people wont run full barkbusters cause it stiffens up the bars to much....even mounted to the triple clamp its still too stiff... need to make those handguard mounts rubber mounted...

allot of people wont run full barkbusters cause it stiffens up the bars to much....even mounted to the triple clamp its still too stiff...

I know what you mean about hand guards changing how the bars can flex. Its always been a bit of a trade off between having the bark busters solidly mounted, or letting them move with the bars a bit, but spin around when you dump it. Jesse designed these for easton a few years back: http://www.bigstcharlesmotorsports....2_partheadernumber_942867-Handguard+Mount.htm
They were nice in that they added no stress risers to the bars, and would let the bark busters move some with the bars as they flexed, but they would move all over the place when you dropped the bike. This is a problem we would like to work on though. Thanks for the feedback!
Hey everyone, just wanted to check back with a few updates. The first round of parts are finished and we will be shipping our first orders later this week. Lastly we made a facebook page. Like us there or check out the website. Were adding more configuration of product every day and will have everything dialed in later this week to accept orders.
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