Custom/Hybrid Gen 2 Build

I wasn't going to make a build thread, but I need something to stop me from going crazy over this rediculously long month of March in Upstate New York. Little background, bought my first stand up in 2007 (1994 550SX). I was heavy into motocross at the time and thought it would be good cross-training. My wife and I just bought a camp on Owasco Lake (fingerlakes) so it worked out well. I kinda got away from the ski for awhile the next few years when I was racing all the time, but then we had a baby in December 2010 and priorities changed again. Last spring I bought a 1996 Superjet and was hooked. The camp is about half a mile from the south end of the lake and gets very limited boat traffic. It's only about 13 miles long so we never see large vesels and a superjet gets pretty boring. You can see where this is going...

I ordered a Gen2 from The Ski Clinic in September (now I wish I waited and at least got a Gen3 Fiberglass, or one of the used RoK-R), and it arrived in December. I ordered with a few friends, one got another gen2 and one got a G3K. I know there's a lot of blah blah blah about bobs, supporters and haters, but my theory has always been it's 99% about the rider, 1% about the machine. If you can't ride a BoB, it's not like you're going to jump on something different and be competing in WF's. A lot of people seem to throw money around trying to become a better rider. It's easy to blame the hull, it's harder to say "I suck, but you know what, I'm still having fun". And that's what it's all about. Of course, if I suck I'm selling everything and playing a lot more golf lol. On to the build..

2012 Gen2 Fiberglass DK wasn't happy with the color, so it's been premium painted.
Northwest Sleeve 789 BB 61X/62T ADA head,
Lightened 61X #Zero Flywheel, MSD Enhancer
Stock pump, stubby cone, 9/15 Skat, dual cooling
228 Worx Intake
Kart Tank
B Pipe
Maniac Straps

Thanks to JetManiac and #Zero I think I have everything on hand to complete the build. I'm just waiting on my hand pole from LTD, and to have some free time! My buddy Jay and I got the pump, trim and motor mounts done and it only took about 45 mins.


I'll keep updated on the progress, however slow it might be.
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Arlington TX
It's 99% about the rider, 1% about the machine. If you can't ride a BoB, it's not like you're going to jump on something different and be competing in WF's. A lot of people seem to throw money around trying to become a better rider. It's easy to blame the hull, it's harder to say "I suck, but you know what, I'm still having fun". And that's what it's all about.

True story! I'm totally spending money because I suck lol...

I like that color a lot in the sun.. Is it a light blue or more of a true blue?


I'd rather brap than bash
Sweet build Matt, I had the same setup in my gen 2 all the way down to the color scheme before I upgraded, it flipped flatwater with some muscle and good timing and easily off boat wakes, very fun boat!!
I managed to get most of my projects around the house done so about two weeks ago I decided it was time to bust this build out. Huge thanks to my buddy Jason for all his help, and his wife for watching my daughter so I could steal her husband for hours at a time building this thing. Thanks JetManiac for rushing me parts, sometimes twice because I apparently suck at reading microfiche. LTD hooked me up with the pole/bracket and was always there when I had questions and was very helpful. Pat (Moto360) also has so much ski knowledge and was a big help. Thanks Everyone.

Unfortunately I was pretty bad at documenting the build.

Really it went together pretty well. We tried to turn my motor over on the bench originally before installing it since we (Jason) completely rebuilt my ebox. Motor wouldn't turn over. It ended up being my starter was froze up. Luckily I had bought a Mitsuba SM-13 starter off ebay (brand new). Strangely, it must have been made for another application, but I was able to pull the caps off the frozen starter, install them on the new one, and it mounted right up. A few shims in the motor,4 trips to Lowe's, Home Depot, and the hardware store later....

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Can't wait to hit the water this weekend!


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