Getting ahold of Chucky (Team Scream)


Shootin' The Crap
Why don't you put the 6mm Paul built last year for your new boat in it until you finish the WF hull?:dunno: I can't see just letting it sit there going to waste.


The 6mm Paul built is going in the WCF hull...:cool2:

How's the raffle ski?!? :Banane01:

RMBC Freeride

Site Supporter
Pueblo, CO
Call Pat at X-Metal, he is working with him constantly on all their high dollar international freestyle ski projects... maybe you will have better luck that way?

edit: BTW, that sucks... sorry to hear you dont have it yet :frown:
I talked to him two weeks ago, he's been busy building motors and getting things ready for a future business endeavor. I'm sure he will get back with you all soon.
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