Gil Gone Round Pics-Finally Had 2 Minutes


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
Here it is-naked in all its glory hole-lol:woot: :woot: :woot:


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Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
3 more pics 2 come-This just took 1hr and 3 minutes to upload-I'll upload the other 3 shortly.


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
I did 4 a long time-gave it up in the spring this year, couldn't spend enuf money to beat the 12 year olds in the same class that were also riding 450's.
The little bastards are ffaasstt!!!

Mike W

North Florida
You must be single. My wife would have my ass if I brought my ski in the house. Much less on the carpet.:biggrin:

Nice ski. What are your plans?


Catnip Junkie!
B'ham, AL
Looks good Gilly :arms: :arms: I still think your a freek for polishing and clear coating the waterbox :biggrin: at least you are keeping yourself entertained.

I can only imagine what you X-mas wishlist looks like. :purr: :purr: :purr:


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
I tried to upload last 3 pics of hull and tray last night-never loaded-I'll try again tonight.

Brian-after u see inside of hull-you will understand-that beyotch is white again!!! I even polished the midshaft housing last night-that was really dumb-the coupler cover-covers it up-so now I gots to make a clear coupler cover so u can see polished midshaft housing!!! And wait till u see the chrome gas tank-J/K.

Why did I pull the engine? The engine has been totally dis-assembled and re-assembled-u were right-brand new.

More pics to come after Christmas

ps-NEVER BUY A SKI THAT BRIAN HAS TURFED AND RE-TURF IT. It should be against the law to use 12 gallons of DAP Weldwood on one turf job.LOL


615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
Ist complaint on one of mine & Toby's turf jobs. I guess I should have buffed and waxed the tray underneath to impress you bro. Looking clean, keep it up and you just may win the internal bling contest in Lanier.


Hi Ho Silver!
Birmingham, AL
Very nice Gilfer. Got it lookin good.:cool2: Hopefully, we can scare up a new year's day ride if the weather holds out.:woot: :biggrin: Looks like the Tennessee guys came through with a sweet ski for you.


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
They got me the biggest bang for the buck on the planet. I just wish my turfin was 1/2 as good as theirs. I really think there is gonna be a mod chambered B pipe in the near future-as in-motor is goin back in w/out/type 4 manifold-I love the hit of the type 4-just don't have the patience for coupler changes. I've spent 2 weeks tryin to re-engineer the wheel so to speak-and can't come up w/any better ideas as far as hookin that bastard up and changin couplers. 2nite I'm layin the 1/2" foam mat in the tray so I'll be ready to turf it this weekend. And yes-the bumpers are gettin turfed as well.
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