- Location
- Huntsville, Alabama
The Ski looks good Gilbee. I think YZ is volunteering to be the Captian of your Fan Club. :jester:
The Ski looks good Gilbee. I think YZ is volunteering to be the Captian of your Fan Club. :jester:
How is it u live in Huntsville an dI don't know u?
What and where do u ride?
You guys wanna toss the skis in the lake and see how fast it takes to get the cops called on us? If boats aren't allowed then why do they have a launch on the other side of the lake?
They allow boats over at Lady Ann Lake, just no IC motors. That is the lake that DBR lives on. The developer just asked me Friday when they should expect me to pull one off on my lake. I told 'em it would probably be in the middle of the night after I get drunk. I was told there would probably be gunfire coming from their house when I do it! hahahaha :twak:
I wouldn't ride in DBR's lake. I have seen the stumps in that beotch. That would be a quick trip to the hospital if we put in that lake. That lake is huge, but only 3-5 feet deep.
No problem-I'm one of the few that welcomes thread dumping. Hell, I'm just glad there is another rider in N. Alabama now. Steve compels me to try stupid shiit at the lake which I welcome. I ain't gonna win any event much less Nationals if I don't keep trying new stuff every time I ride.You better hope the spill way holds because all that water is heading your way Steve.
superslug137, you live in Altoona, PA? Man I lived there this past year June - November 07. Would have been nice to have someone to ride with. You buddies with Malone or ride with him?
Oh yeah... sorry for the hijack Gil, ski looks pimp.
It looks damn good.
You better hope the spill way holds because all that water is heading your way Steve.
superslug137, you live in Altoona, PA? Man I lived there this past year June - November 07. Would have been nice to have someone to ride with. You buddies with Malone or ride with him?
Oh yeah... sorry for the hijack Gil, ski looks pimp.
dbrutherford, You're headed down a scary road hanging out with the likes of
Gil, and YZ.
Shonuff, When are you going to break out that Group K Big Bore? The Cat is wanting to turns some more bouys
Don't be dissin' just because Gilweed doesn't want you to be the president of his fan club anymore!
No I think Gil has the right man for the job.....
Anyone foolish enough to ride next weekend?