Glassing on tubbies?

The previous owner of my SJ did a really crap install of the tubbie 2's on my SJ. Screws hanging out and glue everywhere. Want to take them off and do a cleaner install of them before it goes to paint. Can they be glassed on or something so screws don't have to be used?? Any help is appreciated...


Not After Fame & Fortune
did you take the off already?

how i did mine:

  1. fill the back side with foam and trim flush to the edge.
  2. make sure to sand the side of the hull good to make a good adhesion.
  3. get some epoxy and mix some 404 filler so it doesn't just drip every where.
  4. get some fiber glass mat (i used 1.5 oz mat) and cut it to the shape of the tubbie.
  5. make sure the holes are drilled for the screws on the hull and the tubbie. (i used some drywall screws.)
  6. butter up the tubbie side with the resin, lay the chop mat on top and wet it out pretty good with some more resin and filler. you can use more than just wetting out the glass, its all gonna squeeze out any ways.
  7. screw the tubbie to the side of the hull. make sure there is nothing that the screws will hit on the inside like the pipe or battery.
  8. make sure all the screws are nice and tight and clean up the resin that squeezed out.
  9. do the same to the other side.
  10. wait a day or 2 to make sure all the resin is cured inside.
  11. remove the screws.
  12. mix up a batch more resin and 404 and mix it until it is like peanut butter.
  13. fill the holes with the mixture and press it in until the resin comes through the screw holes on the inside of the hull.
  14. use the same mixture and i used a spoon and fill the edge of the tubbie making it nice and smooth with the hull, i used the spoon to make fill in the edge and make it nice and smooth.
  15. wait till that dries and sand it all nice and smooth
  16. paint any color you wish.
i got this from reading on here and from pancaker, but this way there are no screws, no way they are coming out without serious damage to the side of the hull. the foam is completley sealed as long you puse the resin through the screw holes.

get ready for some blisters on the tips of your fingers from sanding.

good luck


Stand up or Shut up!
It is a custom Side Sponson manufactured and Patented by Blowsion Kolors. It made the Superjet competitive again in the race scene. The Product is patented and the name is Trade Marked. And both are copied and used all over this industry.
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Stand up or Shut up!
They are great for freeride. Widens the foot print of the front of the ski makes it more responsive and helps the ski carve in turns. I ride mostly surf and would not ride without them. Best bang for your buck as far as handling, especially in the surf. I would go footholds first then tubbies if I was on a limited budget. Well after a pipe and steering setup.


addicted to my superjet
riverside ca
The previous owner of my SJ did a really crap install of the tubbie 2's on my SJ. Screws hanging out and glue everywhere. Want to take them off and do a cleaner install of them before it goes to paint. Can they be glassed on or something so screws don't have to be used?? Any help is appreciated...

i used 5200 between the tubbie and ski, then screwed them down with SS screws to hold them in place. after the 5200 dried, i sanded and sanded and then glassed over the whole thing. i left my screws in, i just cut off the extra inside the hull.

so to answer your question, yes you can glass over them. as far as screws, its a personal preference. there are a few different ways to do it.

good luck!


Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
It is a custom Side Sponson manufactured and Patented by Blowsion Kolors. It made the Superjet competitive again in the race scene. The Product is patented and the name is Trade Marked. And both are copied and used all over this industry.

true accept for the trademark and patent comments.
true accept for the trademark and patent comments.

you mean I don't need to call my knockoff tubbies chubbies anymore:cheer2::cheer2::biggrin:
pity cause the marketing was gunna be gold "your not REALLY ridin without chubbies":stooges::tomato::smashfreakB:

and demo x great write up

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