Going Jetskiing, what could possibly go wrong?



ive seen an old man in havasu back his boat in with a van........and just not stop.

and not get out either, people ran over and pulled him out of the van......
My buddy dropped the ski's in the water.I was standing in the water holding them waiting for him to park.This old station wagon with the simulated wood grain was backing down a sail boat.The transition from upper street to boat ramp hit the trailer pushing it up off the ball must have been the wrong size.Safety chains on the trailer? hell no! The sail boat on the trailer raced down the launch ramp and made a 90 degree turn and hit the dock just in front of me. I nearly pee'd in my wetsuit.


I forgot to pin my ski and it slid off while pulling the trailer out of the water, TWICE. No damage either time, but man does that make you feel like a rookie. You'd think after 17-18 years of riding I'd be able to remember that, or I'm just getting old and forgetful.
I use to live in San Clemente and I was on the way back from riding Oceanside with a friend and his ski came off the trailer at freeway speed just before Las Pulgas rd. I had a toyota 4x4 which did not have a drop hitch and a trailer with rollers.Perfect for launching ski's on the freeway.The ski did the slide for life knocking off reflectors as it changed lanes slowing down.Sorry guys it did'nt roll and disengrate into lots of pieces.We ran out in between traffic and dragged it back to the side of the freeway.New ride plate,intake grate and some glass work and she was ready for the water.


on my uncles 750sx with a coffman wet pipe, one of the small couplers gave out and was filling engine compartment up with ex. fumes... He had to ride back like 5 miles with one hand lifting the hood so it could still breathe. that was funny... I've had many many other bad stories also, but don't even get me started.
Back in the 550 days I used gascasinch on my cylinder base gasket.It is not impervus to gasoline.I made to the river mouth at o-side and it started running weird.I was just outside the surf and It stalled.When I tried to restart it I could hear the cylinder head nuts and washers dropping off into the bottom ski.The base gasket blew out and the cylinder dropped and vibration did the rest.Can I get a tow, please?


Region 7 AM Freestyle
in daytona saturday i was in the inlet and my head pipe bolts backed all the way out from the prevous owner didnt use loctite on the bolts and my head pipe fell off.
Working at a busy jetski rental place this past summer, saw a big nasty jelly fish in the 2 ft deep ride/load area...hopped on a vx110, gave it full throttle when I was on top of it, blew it through the pump and shot it 100+ feet. Everyone waiting to ride skis were wondering why the water was stinging there theighs...tentacle salad in the bay.


Randy Lane trailer jack knife with slippery feet

My brother worked for a company that filmed a big wave contest at Todos Santos.Randy was there as Lifegaurd and camera crew transport.After the event he loaded his runabout and pulled up the ramp.He stepped out of his truck with his left foot and slipped with his vehicle still in reverse.His right foot stomped on the gas.With one hand on the steering wheel and one hand on the drivers door and his butt nearly on the pavement the truck started racing bacwards jack knifing the trailer.Somehow he got the brakes on.He was lucky he did'nt get seriously hurt.
in daytona saturday i was in the inlet and my head pipe bolts backed all the way out from the prevous owner didnt use loctite on the bolts and my head pipe fell off.

I think you meant to say: I forgot to check the torque on all the bolts before I left for Daytona.

There are very few places to use loctite on a ski that is going to see salt water. Greased threads are your friend if you ever intend to take anything back apart after salt riding.

Fro Diesel

creative control
I think you meant to say: I forgot to check the torque on all the bolts before I left for Daytona.

There are very few places to use loctite on a ski that is going to see salt water. Greased threads are your friend if you ever intend to take anything back apart after salt riding.

funny stories guys.

I had this happen to me at daytona, quick trip to advanced to get some gasket material...loaner gasket from erokwilbs and some rtv i was only down for an hour. I had double checkd my torque specs but had used a cork type gasket with too much compression. And i have experienced quite a few of these.

Praise Jesus i had a riding buddy most of the time. Then there was the night i had to nagivate the channel at port sheldon in 12ft swells on one cyl in the dark because my brother and superjet dave never met me to fill up with gas. They just chilled at the landing like idiots until i walked some three miles in teh dark to get the damn gas. If they had just met at the park like they were supposed to....:smashfreakB:

had the throttle come off before in surf.

dead batteries and near collisions.

but still rippin:crutches:
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