Surfriding Gomer at Freeride

I wann give HUUUUUGE props to gomer. i was in awe over his skills in that nasty surf.. he was non stop, bangin off rev limiter his whole run... i will put him at the top of most impressive to watch. i could barely ride in the surf let alone hold it wide open for 3 mins straight!!!

Again, his run on saturday was completly amazing!!!
I wann give HUUUUUGE props to gomer. i was in awe over his skills in that nasty surf.. he was non stop, bangin off rev limiter his whole run... i will put him at the top of most impressive to watch. i could barely ride in the surf let alone hold it wide open for 3 mins straight!!!

Again, his run on saturday was completly amazing!!!

i agree! i only saw him for a few minutes monday and his riding was on a different level. didnt know who i was watching, had to ask nick. he made the most out of the crappy gutless windblown surf that i, for some reason, decided to ride in.


Jamie FN Hickey
Palm Coast FL
Agreed! His aggression is unmatched and it's addicting to watch him shred the surf. It doesn't matter what the conditions are he always makes the best of what's out there. It looks like he's having fun yet he rides like he's pissed off... I love it!!

Mark Gomez

is where the surf is
Fullerton, CA
Wow thank you guys very much, im seriously blown away from the positive responses i have been getting from the freeride. I just found something recently over the last year about surf riding that makes me want to keep going faster, and turning in a more critical part of the wave. I have no surf background.. other than this so its truly addicting. Im constantly learning more and more. And yes I am angry when i ride and it feels amazing for some reason.

I seriously cant thank you guys enough for the support and kind words. Did any body get my surf and style run on video..? I would like to share it with my family and sponsors who weren't able to be there.

Thank you again so much guys really. -MG
This is why GOMER won the surf & style comp with no question! We wanted to see people shred the surf and utilize it no matter what the conditions present. He made the crowd go wild and had the critics impressed with his ability to keep a fast pace and still mix in maneuvers without looking like he was walking on marbles or showing exhaustion. keep the fresh FLOW :)
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