Got to love backfire's.

Got my lamey 8m set in tonight and decided to fire it up for the first time..
well,I drizzled some gas into the throttle bodies as normal and cranked away.
No hit after 10-15 sec and then I noticed I forgot to flip the total loss switch on.:sleeping:.
Like no backfire Ive seen before,It rocked the house,blew my tools off the bench sitting behind the ski,neighbors come over to check on use(common) and left marks on the garage wall,Kids are running for mommy:scared:.
No damage so all is well I hope.Ski fired right up after that and I will be hitting the water tom for the first time this year ,cant wait.


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
Dude- u r not suppose to backfire a Lamey, u r suppose to BONFIRE a Lamey. LOL

It's one of those things where u would have had to have been there.
(Pensacola Freeride). LOL

Glad all is well !!!!!:woot::woot::woot:
seen a waterbox exploded, resulted from a sheared woodruff key that allowed the flywheel to spin on the shaft.. mushroom cloud in the garage water box in three pieces
it also happend to a friend a few days ago .. an explotion that burned his face (not a battery explotion) , while he was putting the battery wires .. but hes fine now
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I blew the back end off a gpr last year.Waterbox,airbox,hose' destroyed and the seat came off the ski (airborn).
My favorite of all time is a customer started his ski for me and he had a major air leak.
It rev'ed to the moon,Im running across the yard to grab the throttle to kill it and pop.
The carbs and intake where laying half off the side of the motor.


usually drunk
Detroit River MI
i blew out my potato cannon a few years ago. the back end blew clear off and hit my parents house. neighbors were wondering what the hell happened.
My physics teacher had a nice potato cannon made out of PVC pipe, well one day we were having fun with it and BANG shrapnal(sp) shot every where, hundreds or chunks everywhere!! so the next day i was in the welding lab, and i build him a real cannon, it had a spark plug, coil and a 12 volt battery out of a car, the switch was made like the old scool plunger style. the barrel at the end was about 4 feet long, it had its own adjustible stand. that thing rocked, we had to let the school and people near by know when we were shooting it off cuz people called the cops the first time we shot it off reporting gun shots.
Make sure you take off the carbs and check the fuel pump diaphrams, I'm betting their blown...BEFORE you hurt the piston(s) from weak fuel pressure!

Started the ski today and Im idling ruff and spitting fuel out of the tops of the carbs so Im way rich and I will be inspecting the fuel pump's.Thanks
Jetting was 132p 120m 2.0's with dark spring.
Original jetting was quoted at 120p 110m
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