Super Jet Guy on a couch asks a REALLY dumb question


LOL thats a good one!

She was soooo embarrassed (she is a good rider/likes to put on a show). LOL

That's when I met his wife and her friends, and they are LOADS of fun too!

Edit: I didn't recognize him, lol.

Double edit: but I sure did figure out what was going on through my camera's lens before she did when I saw him drop a leg in a turn ever so briefly. I yelled back to his wife while laughing my butt off, saying, "That's Parr isn't it?" LOL
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Hooked on the Jamz
I don't let strangers ride my skis.

Ditto that. I rarely let ANYONE else ride my ski and the ones who do get to have to ride under a "no freestyle" rule. I like my ski... A LOT. I don't want to have to kill someone when they F it up.

I also don't like to ride other people's skis... so it works out.
I have only ever declined drunkards from trying it out or people who are by themselves and nothing to hold them from driving off into the distance; friends, family, nicer toys, etc. Now if I had a a nicer ski, I wouldn't even let my friends ride it. lol.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Never miss a chance to promote the sport in a positive way, we have enough peeps promoting the negative already, do you really want to be THAT GUY ?

Mr Bojangles

Lord of the Dance
well I told one guy that chased me down that he couldnt ride my 550, I just got it running and he had never run one before. And to follow that up, I will never let any one incompetent ride any of mine. I let my brother and his friend ride my 550 and x2 one time, and they both flooded the motors, then sunk them, blowing both the motors becuase they had no clue, and wouldn't listen to me trying to tell them what to do, and not to do


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So my brother and I take advantage of one last nice weekend and hit the river (my 99 SJ and his SXR). This guy on a couch is following me around so finally I slow down to see what he wants. He says, do you wanna switch I have never ridden one of those before? My really simple answer, NO!! Like I wanna spend part of my last ride of the year on floating around on a couch...haha. Some people.

baldwin ny
i love to let non stand up riders ride my ski. its fun to see them eat it. lol ya just give it full throttle you be fine wink wink. lol 830cc of bbrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaappppp


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
Exactly. Noobs will only hurt themselves.
Granted, I let only people that I know ride my boat. But anyone that knows my and asks me can ride it.
When people ask me, I'm always polite and just say "Sure, but I've gotta see you boating certificate first since I don't want either one of us to get a ticket".

They never have one, and that way I can leave the conversation as being the nice, polite, safety-conscious guy instead of as some a-hole...and didn't have to let anyone ride my chit.


JM781 Big Bore
I will let friends/family ride the SN or the B1. Strangers are not riding anything I own, ever. Nobody rides my RN except my son (once or twice a year) and I. I've had guys try to 'buy' a ride on my RN with beers and girls try to 'buy' a ride with 'favors'. The guys were easy to turn down, since it was Budweiser...not that I really would have let them ride anyhow. The girls were tough to turn down until I remembered what my divorced friends pay in alimony and child support.


Be About It!
Wichita, KS
No one on my side of kansas has any cool ski's... I ride a private lake so no one ever asks me. but its been down a few feet so ill be at a local lake. im not gonna let people on it!


Charlotte, NC
Stockish ski? Sure. And I'll try to give some pointers.

Aftermarket hull/big motor? Not happening. All I need is for some idiot to grab a handful of throttle and smash the side of a boat up.

I get quite the kick out of watching first-timers try to ride. I haven't asked any of them to come back or to quit. They usually do that on their own. 3 of the 5 people I've let try out my ski this year never even stood up on it. 2 of them eventually got up after riding on their knees for a few minutes.

Wolf Child

Just Another Octard
All over C. FL
I have 2 octanes. one stock, one NOT, and a brand new Dasa powered WCF Vision and I let all kinds of people ride them, some I know some I dont. It just good for the the sport in general. it's good PR and in some cases ( like with the vision) it's an opportunitie for peopel to try one out and maybe buy one which keeps our A/M builders in business. it's win/win. yeah sure things can go wrong, but they can go wrong if your riding it too.
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