Hand Holds?

I'm re-doing a SN hood and I'm ready to put the liner in a be done with it but I was wondering if I should add hand holds. For those that have them, how often do you actually use them?


V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
You'll use one every time you open your hood. They're good for hood riding, too. You know, that ancient form of freestyle..... the kind us seasoned riders used to do.


high on resin
san jose ca
hey I have a carbon blowsion hood liner modified to clear a dry pipe and a sn hood with almost the whole hood liner stripped out I'd let go at a good price. I'm gettin an am hull now so I never fet like finishin it.

Don 79 TA

Still Fat....
I had the blowsion handholds on a few hoods (stock RN hood on my 02 SJ, and her stock SXR hood)

they contour to the hand nice
but i did have them pop out twice (once on each ski, despite being in there good)

the problem i had out here with the strong sun and extreme heat is they would pop out easy, had to be very careful
but it certainly made it so much easier taking the hood on and off and the install isn't that bad

now on the 24-7 hood i have with embedded handholds, they flat out ROCK
Where do you get hand holds at a good price? I want to run some on my SN, but all I have seen are the expensive blowsion ones.

I've already made the holds by using a small tupperware container as a mold.

hey I have a carbon blowsion hood liner modified to clear a dry pipe and a sn hood with almost the whole hood liner stripped out I'd let go at a good price. I'm gettin an am hull now so I never fet like finishin it.
No thanks, I've stipped the liner and covered all the vent holes and made a new liner for my hood already.
If you want handholds, just install one for whichever hand isn't your throttle hand. I used to use them all the time but now I only use mine to take the hood off or store my gloves when not riding.
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