Blaster handlebar starter going out


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Yeah those things goes after a while. If you go to Jetskisolutions they do a service on them and clean rebuild them and rewire. I have both the one on my blaster and sj done from him great work and good guy too. Cost like 75 dollars about the same price u will find a decent used one for and not know how long it will last.
Welcome to the X btw.


freeride junkie
north palm beach
welcome to the x!

if someone has been in the electrical box, and its a mess, the best thing to do is to go thru the box one wire at a time, pull each connector apart clean it witha wire brush or some emory cloth and squirt some dielectric grease in the connectore then snap back togther. you can take your start stop switch apart and clean it up and it should last you a while. done be afraid of the dielectric grease in there as well.
if you decide you want a good used start stop switch i have them in nice shape for 40.00 shipped for the blaster length wires.
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