Bringing it back
- Location
- New Hampshire
I scored a nice little holeshot from the outsside saturday and my friend got it on his go pro standing on the sidelines. If I can't win the race at least I got a little taste of something with a holeshot and a lead for a couple laps. I ended up 4th in the Vet B class. I was good for 3rd until I ran out of energy about 1.5 hours into the race and did all I could do to get the last 4 miles in without taking a nap on the side of the trail. I really need to do some kind of endurance training...
NECC :: PeteyHoleshotNECCRD1011.flv video by racerboypete - Photobucket
I totally think my auto clutch is the reason I get good starts at dead engine events. I just leave it in second and by the time the kicker is at the bottem of the stroke the bike has started to move. I don't think the e-start bikes spin as fast as a straight up boot on the kicker.
NECC :: PeteyHoleshotNECCRD1011.flv video by racerboypete - Photobucket
I totally think my auto clutch is the reason I get good starts at dead engine events. I just leave it in second and by the time the kicker is at the bottem of the stroke the bike has started to move. I don't think the e-start bikes spin as fast as a straight up boot on the kicker.