Harescramble holeshot


Bringing it back
New Hampshire
I scored a nice little holeshot from the outsside saturday and my friend got it on his go pro standing on the sidelines. If I can't win the race at least I got a little taste of something with a holeshot and a lead for a couple laps. I ended up 4th in the Vet B class. I was good for 3rd until I ran out of energy about 1.5 hours into the race and did all I could do to get the last 4 miles in without taking a nap on the side of the trail. I really need to do some kind of endurance training...

NECC :: PeteyHoleshotNECCRD1011.flv video by racerboypete - Photobucket

I totally think my auto clutch is the reason I get good starts at dead engine events. I just leave it in second and by the time the kicker is at the bottem of the stroke the bike has started to move. I don't think the e-start bikes spin as fast as a straight up boot on the kicker.

Wolf Child

Just Another Octard
All over C. FL
'Saki's ganna call you a wuss. even though his sorry ass couldnt ride at race pace for an hour an a half.

Auto clutch is where it's at for HS and Enduro. everyone that races knows it.


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Cool deal Pete! The last few Hare Scrambles I raced many years back I didn't get my bike fired on the first kick. I just had to learn how pass people better!

Seriously on starting MX races, Mike Alessi should just quit racing and teach peopel how to holeshot! That kid is unreal. I bet he startes in the top 5 of 90% of his races!


Bringing it back
New Hampshire
Thanks guys.

I am pretty sure I would have to give up the left hand rear brake for the clutch overide you can run on the Recluse if I was doing a moto style start.

I snapped my brake pedal off on a mangrove in Orange City this winter and haven't replaced it since I have the lefty rear brake lever on the bar, however it is comical when people take my bike for a rip down the driveway and end up across the street in the neighbors lawn when they try to stop.
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Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
I always grab the left hand brake on auto quads even though I know they are autos... I also pretend to let off and shift the imaginary shifter too...
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